pub struct Teams {
    pub client: Client,


client: Client


List IdP groups for an organization.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/team-sync/groups endpoint.

Team synchronization is available for organizations using GitHub Enterprise Cloud. For more information, see GitHub’s products in the GitHub Help documentation.

List IdP groups available in an organization. You can limit your page results using the per_page parameter. GitHub generates a url-encoded page token using a cursor value for where the next page begins. For more information on cursor pagination, see “Offset and Cursor Pagination explained.”

The per_page parameter provides pagination for a list of IdP groups the authenticated user can access in an organization. For example, if the user octocat wants to see two groups per page in octo-org via cURL, it would look like this:



  • org: &str
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: &str – Page token.

List teams.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams endpoint.

Lists all teams in an organization that are visible to the authenticated user.



  • org: &str
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List teams.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams endpoint.

As opposed to list, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Lists all teams in an organization that are visible to the authenticated user.


Create a team.

This function performs a POST to the /orgs/{org}/teams endpoint.

To create a team, the authenticated user must be a member or owner of {org}. By default, organization members can create teams. Organization owners can limit team creation to organization owners. For more information, see “Setting team creation permissions.”

When you create a new team, you automatically become a team maintainer without explicitly adding yourself to the optional array of maintainers. For more information, see “About teams”.



  • org: &str

Get a team by name.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug} endpoint.

Gets a team using the team’s slug. GitHub generates the slug from the team name.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route GET /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.

Delete a team.

This function performs a DELETE to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug} endpoint.

To delete a team, the authenticated user must be an organization owner or team maintainer.

If you are an organization owner, deleting a parent team will delete all of its child teams as well.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route DELETE /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.

Update a team.

This function performs a PATCH to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug} endpoint.

To edit a team, the authenticated user must either be an organization owner or a team maintainer.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route PATCH /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.

List discussions.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions endpoint.

List all discussions on a team’s page. OAuth access tokens require the read:discussion scope.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route GET /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/discussions.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • direction: crate::types::Order – The order of audit log events. To list newest events first, specify desc. To list oldest events first, specify asc.

The default is desc.

  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.
  • pinned: &str – Pinned discussions only filter.

List discussions.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions endpoint.

As opposed to list_discussions_in_org, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

List all discussions on a team’s page. OAuth access tokens require the read:discussion scope.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route GET /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/discussions.


Create a discussion.

This function performs a POST to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions endpoint.

Creates a new discussion post on a team’s page. OAuth access tokens require the write:discussion scope.

This endpoint triggers notifications. Creating content too quickly using this endpoint may result in secondary rate limiting. See “Secondary rate limits” and “Dealing with secondary rate limits” for details.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route POST /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/discussions.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.

Get a discussion.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number} endpoint.

Get a specific discussion on a team’s page. OAuth access tokens require the read:discussion scope.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route GET /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/discussions/{discussion_number}.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • discussion_number: i64

Delete a discussion.

This function performs a DELETE to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number} endpoint.

Delete a discussion from a team’s page. OAuth access tokens require the write:discussion scope.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route DELETE /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/discussions/{discussion_number}.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • discussion_number: i64

Update a discussion.

This function performs a PATCH to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number} endpoint.

Edits the title and body text of a discussion post. Only the parameters you provide are updated. OAuth access tokens require the write:discussion scope.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route PATCH /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/discussions/{discussion_number}.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • discussion_number: i64

List discussion comments.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments endpoint.

List all comments on a team discussion. OAuth access tokens require the read:discussion scope.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route GET /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • discussion_number: i64
  • direction: crate::types::Order – The order of audit log events. To list newest events first, specify desc. To list oldest events first, specify asc.

The default is desc.

  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List discussion comments.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments endpoint.

As opposed to list_discussion_comments_in_org, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

List all comments on a team discussion. OAuth access tokens require the read:discussion scope.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route GET /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments.


Create a discussion comment.

This function performs a POST to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments endpoint.

Creates a new comment on a team discussion. OAuth access tokens require the write:discussion scope.

This endpoint triggers notifications. Creating content too quickly using this endpoint may result in secondary rate limiting. See “Secondary rate limits” and “Dealing with secondary rate limits” for details.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route POST /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • discussion_number: i64

Get a discussion comment.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments/{comment_number} endpoint.

Get a specific comment on a team discussion. OAuth access tokens require the read:discussion scope.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route GET /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments/{comment_number}.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • discussion_number: i64
  • comment_number: i64

Delete a discussion comment.

This function performs a DELETE to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments/{comment_number} endpoint.

Deletes a comment on a team discussion. OAuth access tokens require the write:discussion scope.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route DELETE /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments/{comment_number}.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • discussion_number: i64
  • comment_number: i64

Update a discussion comment.

This function performs a PATCH to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments/{comment_number} endpoint.

Edits the body text of a discussion comment. OAuth access tokens require the write:discussion scope.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route PATCH /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments/{comment_number}.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • discussion_number: i64
  • comment_number: i64

List pending team invitations.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/invitations endpoint.

The return hash contains a role field which refers to the Organization Invitation role and will be one of the following values: direct_member, admin, billing_manager, hiring_manager, or reinstate. If the invitee is not a GitHub member, the login field in the return hash will be null.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route GET /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/invitations.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List pending team invitations.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/invitations endpoint.

As opposed to list_pending_invitations_in_org, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

The return hash contains a role field which refers to the Organization Invitation role and will be one of the following values: direct_member, admin, billing_manager, hiring_manager, or reinstate. If the invitee is not a GitHub member, the login field in the return hash will be null.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route GET /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/invitations.


List team members.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/members endpoint.

Team members will include the members of child teams.

To list members in a team, the team must be visible to the authenticated user.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • role: crate::types::TeamsListMembersInOrgRole – Filters members returned by their role in the team. Can be one of:
    \* member - normal members of the team.
    \* maintainer - team maintainers.
    \* all - all members of the team.
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List team members.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/members endpoint.

As opposed to list_members_in_org, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Team members will include the members of child teams.

To list members in a team, the team must be visible to the authenticated user.


Get team membership for a user.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/memberships/{username} endpoint.

Team members will include the members of child teams.

To get a user’s membership with a team, the team must be visible to the authenticated user.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route GET /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/memberships/{username}.

Note: The response contains the state of the membership and the member’s role.

The role for organization owners is set to maintainer. For more information about maintainer roles, see see Create a team.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • username: &str

Add or update team membership for a user.

This function performs a PUT to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/memberships/{username} endpoint.

Team synchronization is available for organizations using GitHub Enterprise Cloud. For more information, see GitHub’s products in the GitHub Help documentation.

Adds an organization member to a team. An authenticated organization owner or team maintainer can add organization members to a team.

Note: When you have team synchronization set up for a team with your organization’s identity provider (IdP), you will see an error if you attempt to use the API for making changes to the team’s membership. If you have access to manage group membership in your IdP, you can manage GitHub team membership through your identity provider, which automatically adds and removes team members in an organization. For more information, see “Synchronizing teams between your identity provider and GitHub.”

An organization owner can add someone who is not part of the team’s organization to a team. When an organization owner adds someone to a team who is not an organization member, this endpoint will send an invitation to the person via email. This newly-created membership will be in the “pending” state until the person accepts the invitation, at which point the membership will transition to the “active” state and the user will be added as a member of the team.

If the user is already a member of the team, this endpoint will update the role of the team member’s role. To update the membership of a team member, the authenticated user must be an organization owner or a team maintainer.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route PUT /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/memberships/{username}.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • username: &str

Remove team membership for a user.

This function performs a DELETE to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/memberships/{username} endpoint.

Team synchronization is available for organizations using GitHub Enterprise Cloud. For more information, see GitHub’s products in the GitHub Help documentation.

To remove a membership between a user and a team, the authenticated user must have ‘admin’ permissions to the team or be an owner of the organization that the team is associated with. Removing team membership does not delete the user, it just removes their membership from the team.

Note: When you have team synchronization set up for a team with your organization’s identity provider (IdP), you will see an error if you attempt to use the API for making changes to the team’s membership. If you have access to manage group membership in your IdP, you can manage GitHub team membership through your identity provider, which automatically adds and removes team members in an organization. For more information, see “Synchronizing teams between your identity provider and GitHub.”

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route DELETE /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/memberships/{username}.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • username: &str

List team projects.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/projects endpoint.

Lists the organization projects for a team.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route GET /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/projects.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List team projects.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/projects endpoint.

As opposed to list_projects_in_org, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Lists the organization projects for a team.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route GET /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/projects.


Check team permissions for a project.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/projects/{project_id} endpoint.

Checks whether a team has read, write, or admin permissions for an organization project. The response includes projects inherited from a parent team.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route GET /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/projects/{project_id}.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • project_id: i64

Add or update team project permissions.

This function performs a PUT to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/projects/{project_id} endpoint.

Adds an organization project to a team. To add a project to a team or update the team’s permission on a project, the authenticated user must have admin permissions for the project. The project and team must be part of the same organization.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route PUT /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/projects/{project_id}.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • project_id: i64

Remove a project from a team.

This function performs a DELETE to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/projects/{project_id} endpoint.

Removes an organization project from a team. An organization owner or a team maintainer can remove any project from the team. To remove a project from a team as an organization member, the authenticated user must have read access to both the team and project, or admin access to the team or project. This endpoint removes the project from the team, but does not delete the project.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route DELETE /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/projects/{project_id}.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • project_id: i64

List team repositories.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/repos endpoint.

Lists a team’s repositories visible to the authenticated user.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route GET /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/repos.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List team repositories.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/repos endpoint.

As opposed to list_repos_in_org, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Lists a team’s repositories visible to the authenticated user.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route GET /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/repos.


Check team permissions for a repository.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/repos/{owner}/{repo} endpoint.

Checks whether a team has admin, push, maintain, triage, or pull permission for a repository. Repositories inherited through a parent team will also be checked.

You can also get information about the specified repository, including what permissions the team grants on it, by passing the following custom media type via the application/vnd.github.v3.repository+json accept header.

If a team doesn’t have permission for the repository, you will receive a 404 Not Found response status.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route GET /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/repos/{owner}/{repo}.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str

Add or update team repository permissions.

This function performs a PUT to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/repos/{owner}/{repo} endpoint.

To add a repository to a team or update the team’s permission on a repository, the authenticated user must have admin access to the repository, and must be able to see the team. The repository must be owned by the organization, or a direct fork of a repository owned by the organization. You will get a 422 Unprocessable Entity status if you attempt to add a repository to a team that is not owned by the organization. Note that, if you choose not to pass any parameters, you’ll need to set Content-Length to zero when calling out to this endpoint. For more information, see “HTTP verbs.”

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route PUT /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/repos/{owner}/{repo}.

For more information about the permission levels, see “Repository permission levels for an organization”.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str

Remove a repository from a team.

This function performs a DELETE to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/repos/{owner}/{repo} endpoint.

If the authenticated user is an organization owner or a team maintainer, they can remove any repositories from the team. To remove a repository from a team as an organization member, the authenticated user must have admin access to the repository and must be able to see the team. This does not delete the repository, it just removes it from the team.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route DELETE /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/repos/{owner}/{repo}.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str

List IdP groups for a team.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/team-sync/group-mappings endpoint.

Team synchronization is available for organizations using GitHub Enterprise Cloud. For more information, see GitHub’s products in the GitHub Help documentation.

List IdP groups connected to a team on GitHub.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route GET /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/team-sync/group-mappings.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.

Create or update IdP group connections.

This function performs a PATCH to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/team-sync/group-mappings endpoint.

Team synchronization is available for organizations using GitHub Enterprise Cloud. For more information, see GitHub’s products in the GitHub Help documentation.

Creates, updates, or removes a connection between a team and an IdP group. When adding groups to a team, you must include all new and existing groups to avoid replacing existing groups with the new ones. Specifying an empty groups array will remove all connections for a team.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route PATCH /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/team-sync/group-mappings.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.

List child teams.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/teams endpoint.

Lists the child teams of the team specified by {team_slug}.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route GET /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/teams.



  • org: &str
  • team_slug: &str – team_slug parameter.
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List child teams.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/teams endpoint.

As opposed to list_child_in_org, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Lists the child teams of the team specified by {team_slug}.

Note: You can also specify a team by org_id and team_id using the route GET /organizations/{org_id}/team/{team_id}/teams.


Get a team (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id} endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the Get a team by name endpoint.



  • team_id: i64

Delete a team (Legacy).

This function performs a DELETE to the /teams/{team_id} endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new Delete a team endpoint.

To delete a team, the authenticated user must be an organization owner or team maintainer.

If you are an organization owner, deleting a parent team will delete all of its child teams as well.



  • team_id: i64

Update a team (Legacy).

This function performs a PATCH to the /teams/{team_id} endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new Update a team endpoint.

To edit a team, the authenticated user must either be an organization owner or a team maintainer.

Note: With nested teams, the privacy for parent teams cannot be secret.



  • team_id: i64

List discussions (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/discussions endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new List discussions endpoint.

List all discussions on a team’s page. OAuth access tokens require the read:discussion scope.



  • team_id: i64
  • direction: crate::types::Order – The order of audit log events. To list newest events first, specify desc. To list oldest events first, specify asc.

The default is desc.

  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List discussions (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/discussions endpoint.

As opposed to list_discussions_legacy, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new List discussions endpoint.

List all discussions on a team’s page. OAuth access tokens require the read:discussion scope.


Create a discussion (Legacy).

This function performs a POST to the /teams/{team_id}/discussions endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new Create a discussion endpoint.

Creates a new discussion post on a team’s page. OAuth access tokens require the write:discussion scope.

This endpoint triggers notifications. Creating content too quickly using this endpoint may result in secondary rate limiting. See “Secondary rate limits” and “Dealing with secondary rate limits” for details.



  • team_id: i64

Get a discussion (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/discussions/{discussion_number} endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new Get a discussion endpoint.

Get a specific discussion on a team’s page. OAuth access tokens require the read:discussion scope.



  • team_id: i64
  • discussion_number: i64

Delete a discussion (Legacy).

This function performs a DELETE to the /teams/{team_id}/discussions/{discussion_number} endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new Delete a discussion endpoint.

Delete a discussion from a team’s page. OAuth access tokens require the write:discussion scope.



  • team_id: i64
  • discussion_number: i64

Update a discussion (Legacy).

This function performs a PATCH to the /teams/{team_id}/discussions/{discussion_number} endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new Update a discussion endpoint.

Edits the title and body text of a discussion post. Only the parameters you provide are updated. OAuth access tokens require the write:discussion scope.



  • team_id: i64
  • discussion_number: i64

List discussion comments (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new List discussion comments endpoint.

List all comments on a team discussion. OAuth access tokens require the read:discussion scope.



  • team_id: i64
  • discussion_number: i64
  • direction: crate::types::Order – The order of audit log events. To list newest events first, specify desc. To list oldest events first, specify asc.

The default is desc.

  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List discussion comments (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments endpoint.

As opposed to list_discussion_comments_legacy, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new List discussion comments endpoint.

List all comments on a team discussion. OAuth access tokens require the read:discussion scope.


Create a discussion comment (Legacy).

This function performs a POST to the /teams/{team_id}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new Create a discussion comment endpoint.

Creates a new comment on a team discussion. OAuth access tokens require the write:discussion scope.

This endpoint triggers notifications. Creating content too quickly using this endpoint may result in secondary rate limiting. See “Secondary rate limits” and “Dealing with secondary rate limits” for details.



  • team_id: i64
  • discussion_number: i64

Get a discussion comment (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments/{comment_number} endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new Get a discussion comment endpoint.

Get a specific comment on a team discussion. OAuth access tokens require the read:discussion scope.



  • team_id: i64
  • discussion_number: i64
  • comment_number: i64

Delete a discussion comment (Legacy).

This function performs a DELETE to the /teams/{team_id}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments/{comment_number} endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new Delete a discussion comment endpoint.

Deletes a comment on a team discussion. OAuth access tokens require the write:discussion scope.



  • team_id: i64
  • discussion_number: i64
  • comment_number: i64

Update a discussion comment (Legacy).

This function performs a PATCH to the /teams/{team_id}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments/{comment_number} endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new Update a discussion comment endpoint.

Edits the body text of a discussion comment. OAuth access tokens require the write:discussion scope.



  • team_id: i64
  • discussion_number: i64
  • comment_number: i64

List pending team invitations (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/invitations endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new List pending team invitations endpoint.

The return hash contains a role field which refers to the Organization Invitation role and will be one of the following values: direct_member, admin, billing_manager, hiring_manager, or reinstate. If the invitee is not a GitHub member, the login field in the return hash will be null.



  • team_id: i64
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List pending team invitations (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/invitations endpoint.

As opposed to list_pending_invitations_legacy, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new List pending team invitations endpoint.

The return hash contains a role field which refers to the Organization Invitation role and will be one of the following values: direct_member, admin, billing_manager, hiring_manager, or reinstate. If the invitee is not a GitHub member, the login field in the return hash will be null.


List team members (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/members endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new List team members endpoint.

Team members will include the members of child teams.



  • team_id: i64
  • role: crate::types::TeamsListMembersInOrgRole – Filters members returned by their role in the team. Can be one of:
    \* member - normal members of the team.
    \* maintainer - team maintainers.
    \* all - all members of the team.
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List team members (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/members endpoint.

As opposed to list_members_legacy, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new List team members endpoint.

Team members will include the members of child teams.


Get team member (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/members/{username} endpoint.

The “Get team member” endpoint (described below) is deprecated.

We recommend using the Get team membership for a user endpoint instead. It allows you to get both active and pending memberships.

To list members in a team, the team must be visible to the authenticated user.



  • team_id: i64
  • username: &str

Add team member (Legacy).

This function performs a PUT to the /teams/{team_id}/members/{username} endpoint.

The “Add team member” endpoint (described below) is deprecated.

We recommend using the Add or update team membership for a user endpoint instead. It allows you to invite new organization members to your teams.

Team synchronization is available for organizations using GitHub Enterprise Cloud. For more information, see GitHub’s products in the GitHub Help documentation.

To add someone to a team, the authenticated user must be an organization owner or a team maintainer in the team they’re changing. The person being added to the team must be a member of the team’s organization.

Note: When you have team synchronization set up for a team with your organization’s identity provider (IdP), you will see an error if you attempt to use the API for making changes to the team’s membership. If you have access to manage group membership in your IdP, you can manage GitHub team membership through your identity provider, which automatically adds and removes team members in an organization. For more information, see “Synchronizing teams between your identity provider and GitHub.”

Note that you’ll need to set Content-Length to zero when calling out to this endpoint. For more information, see “HTTP verbs.”



  • team_id: i64
  • username: &str

Remove team member (Legacy).

This function performs a DELETE to the /teams/{team_id}/members/{username} endpoint.

The “Remove team member” endpoint (described below) is deprecated.

We recommend using the Remove team membership for a user endpoint instead. It allows you to remove both active and pending memberships.

Team synchronization is available for organizations using GitHub Enterprise Cloud. For more information, see GitHub’s products in the GitHub Help documentation.

To remove a team member, the authenticated user must have ‘admin’ permissions to the team or be an owner of the org that the team is associated with. Removing a team member does not delete the user, it just removes them from the team.

Note: When you have team synchronization set up for a team with your organization’s identity provider (IdP), you will see an error if you attempt to use the API for making changes to the team’s membership. If you have access to manage group membership in your IdP, you can manage GitHub team membership through your identity provider, which automatically adds and removes team members in an organization. For more information, see “Synchronizing teams between your identity provider and GitHub.”



  • team_id: i64
  • username: &str

Get team membership for a user (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/memberships/{username} endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new Get team membership for a user endpoint.

Team members will include the members of child teams.

To get a user’s membership with a team, the team must be visible to the authenticated user.

Note: The response contains the state of the membership and the member’s role.

The role for organization owners is set to maintainer. For more information about maintainer roles, see Create a team.



  • team_id: i64
  • username: &str

Add or update team membership for a user (Legacy).

This function performs a PUT to the /teams/{team_id}/memberships/{username} endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new Add or update team membership for a user endpoint.

Team synchronization is available for organizations using GitHub Enterprise Cloud. For more information, see GitHub’s products in the GitHub Help documentation.

If the user is already a member of the team’s organization, this endpoint will add the user to the team. To add a membership between an organization member and a team, the authenticated user must be an organization owner or a team maintainer.

Note: When you have team synchronization set up for a team with your organization’s identity provider (IdP), you will see an error if you attempt to use the API for making changes to the team’s membership. If you have access to manage group membership in your IdP, you can manage GitHub team membership through your identity provider, which automatically adds and removes team members in an organization. For more information, see “Synchronizing teams between your identity provider and GitHub.”

If the user is unaffiliated with the team’s organization, this endpoint will send an invitation to the user via email. This newly-created membership will be in the “pending” state until the user accepts the invitation, at which point the membership will transition to the “active” state and the user will be added as a member of the team. To add a membership between an unaffiliated user and a team, the authenticated user must be an organization owner.

If the user is already a member of the team, this endpoint will update the role of the team member’s role. To update the membership of a team member, the authenticated user must be an organization owner or a team maintainer.



  • team_id: i64
  • username: &str

Remove team membership for a user (Legacy).

This function performs a DELETE to the /teams/{team_id}/memberships/{username} endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new Remove team membership for a user endpoint.

Team synchronization is available for organizations using GitHub Enterprise Cloud. For more information, see GitHub’s products in the GitHub Help documentation.

To remove a membership between a user and a team, the authenticated user must have ‘admin’ permissions to the team or be an owner of the organization that the team is associated with. Removing team membership does not delete the user, it just removes their membership from the team.

Note: When you have team synchronization set up for a team with your organization’s identity provider (IdP), you will see an error if you attempt to use the API for making changes to the team’s membership. If you have access to manage group membership in your IdP, you can manage GitHub team membership through your identity provider, which automatically adds and removes team members in an organization. For more information, see “Synchronizing teams between your identity provider and GitHub.”



  • team_id: i64
  • username: &str

List team projects (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/projects endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new List team projects endpoint.

Lists the organization projects for a team.



  • team_id: i64
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List team projects (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/projects endpoint.

As opposed to list_projects_legacy, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new List team projects endpoint.

Lists the organization projects for a team.


Check team permissions for a project (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/projects/{project_id} endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new Check team permissions for a project endpoint.

Checks whether a team has read, write, or admin permissions for an organization project. The response includes projects inherited from a parent team.



  • team_id: i64
  • project_id: i64

Add or update team project permissions (Legacy).

This function performs a PUT to the /teams/{team_id}/projects/{project_id} endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new Add or update team project permissions endpoint.

Adds an organization project to a team. To add a project to a team or update the team’s permission on a project, the authenticated user must have admin permissions for the project. The project and team must be part of the same organization.



  • team_id: i64
  • project_id: i64

Remove a project from a team (Legacy).

This function performs a DELETE to the /teams/{team_id}/projects/{project_id} endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new Remove a project from a team endpoint.

Removes an organization project from a team. An organization owner or a team maintainer can remove any project from the team. To remove a project from a team as an organization member, the authenticated user must have read access to both the team and project, or admin access to the team or project. Note: This endpoint removes the project from the team, but does not delete it.



  • team_id: i64
  • project_id: i64

List team repositories (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/repos endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new List team repositories endpoint.



  • team_id: i64
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List team repositories (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/repos endpoint.

As opposed to list_repos_legacy, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new List team repositories endpoint.


Check team permissions for a repository (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/repos/{owner}/{repo} endpoint.

Note: Repositories inherited through a parent team will also be checked.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new Check team permissions for a repository endpoint.

You can also get information about the specified repository, including what permissions the team grants on it, by passing the following custom media type via the Accept header:



  • team_id: i64
  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str

Add or update team repository permissions (Legacy).

This function performs a PUT to the /teams/{team_id}/repos/{owner}/{repo} endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new “Add or update team repository permissions” endpoint.

To add a repository to a team or update the team’s permission on a repository, the authenticated user must have admin access to the repository, and must be able to see the team. The repository must be owned by the organization, or a direct fork of a repository owned by the organization. You will get a 422 Unprocessable Entity status if you attempt to add a repository to a team that is not owned by the organization.

Note that, if you choose not to pass any parameters, you’ll need to set Content-Length to zero when calling out to this endpoint. For more information, see “HTTP verbs.”



  • team_id: i64
  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str

Remove a repository from a team (Legacy).

This function performs a DELETE to the /teams/{team_id}/repos/{owner}/{repo} endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new Remove a repository from a team endpoint.

If the authenticated user is an organization owner or a team maintainer, they can remove any repositories from the team. To remove a repository from a team as an organization member, the authenticated user must have admin access to the repository and must be able to see the team. NOTE: This does not delete the repository, it just removes it from the team.



  • team_id: i64
  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str

List IdP groups for a team (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/team-sync/group-mappings endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new List IdP groups for a team endpoint.

Team synchronization is available for organizations using GitHub Enterprise Cloud. For more information, see GitHub’s products in the GitHub Help documentation.

List IdP groups connected to a team on GitHub.



  • team_id: i64

Create or update IdP group connections (Legacy).

This function performs a PATCH to the /teams/{team_id}/team-sync/group-mappings endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new Create or update IdP group connections endpoint.

Team synchronization is available for organizations using GitHub Enterprise Cloud. For more information, see GitHub’s products in the GitHub Help documentation.

Creates, updates, or removes a connection between a team and an IdP group. When adding groups to a team, you must include all new and existing groups to avoid replacing existing groups with the new ones. Specifying an empty groups array will remove all connections for a team.



  • team_id: i64

List child teams (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/teams endpoint.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new List child teams endpoint.



  • team_id: i64
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List child teams (Legacy).

This function performs a GET to the /teams/{team_id}/teams endpoint.

As opposed to list_child_legacy, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Deprecation Notice: This endpoint route is deprecated and will be removed from the Teams API. We recommend migrating your existing code to use the new List child teams endpoint.


List teams for the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/teams endpoint.

List all of the teams across all of the organizations to which the authenticated user belongs. This method requires user, repo, or read:org scope when authenticating via OAuth.



  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List teams for the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/teams endpoint.

As opposed to list_for_authenticated_user, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

List all of the teams across all of the organizations to which the authenticated user belongs. This method requires user, repo, or read:org scope when authenticating via OAuth.


Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Returns the argument unchanged.

Attaches the provided Context to this type, returning a WithContext wrapper. Read more

Attaches the current Context to this type, returning a WithContext wrapper. Read more

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more