Crate ockam_ffi

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Ockam Vault Foreign Function Interface (FFI) for library integration.


Safety macro which ensures a buffer is not null and not empty.


Error type relating to FFI specific failures.


Represents the failures that can occur in an Ockam FFI Vault.


Decrypt a payload using AES-GCM.
Encrypt a payload using AES-GCM.
Create and return a default Ockam Vault.
De-initialize an Ockam Vault.
Perform an ECDH operation on the supplied Ockam Vault secret and peer_publickey. The result is an Ockam Vault secret of unknown type.
Perform an HMAC-SHA256 based key derivation function on the supplied salt and input key material.
Retrieve the attributes for a specified secret.
Delete an ockam vault secret.
Export a secret key with the specific handle to the output_buffer.
Generate a secret key with the specific attributes. Returns a handle for the secret.
Import a secret key with the specific handle and attributes.
Get the public key, given a secret key, and copy it to the output buffer.
Compute the SHA-256 hash on input and put the result in digest. digest must be 32 bytes in length.