Expand description

Rust OBS Wrapper

A safe wrapper around the OBS API, useful for creating OBS sources, filters and effects.


In your Cargo.toml file add the following section, substituting <module-name> for the name of the module:

obs-wrapper = "0.1"

name = "<module-name>"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]

The process for creating a plugin is:

  1. Create a struct that implements Module
  2. Create a struct that will store the plugin state
  3. Implement the required traits for the module
  4. Enable the traits which have been enabled in the module load method
use obs_wrapper::{
    // Everything required for modules
    // Everything required for creating a source
    // Macro for registering modules
    // Macro for creating strings

// The module that will handle creating the source.
struct TestModule {
    context: ModuleContext

// The source that will be shown inside OBS.
struct TestSource;

// Implement the Sourceable trait for TestSource, this is required for each
// source.
// It allows you to specify the source ID and type.
impl Sourceable for TestSource {
    fn get_id() -> ObsString {

    fn get_type() -> SourceType {

    fn create(
        create: &mut CreatableSourceContext<Self>,
        _source: SourceContext
    ) -> Self {

// Allow OBS to show a name for the source
impl GetNameSource for TestSource {
    fn get_name() -> ObsString {
        obs_string!("Test Source")

// Implement the Module trait for TestModule. This will handle the creation
// of the source and has some methods for telling OBS a bit about itself.
impl Module for TestModule {
    fn new(context: ModuleContext) -> Self {
        Self { context }

    fn get_ctx(&self) -> &ModuleContext {
    // Load the module - create all sources, returning true if all went
    // well.
    fn load(&mut self, load_context: &mut LoadContext) -> bool {
        // Create the source
        let source = load_context
            // Since GetNameSource is implemented, this method needs to be
            // called to enable it.
        // Tell OBS about the source so that it will show it.
        // Nothing could have gone wrong, so return true.
    fn description() -> ObsString {
        obs_string!("A great test module.")

    fn name() -> ObsString {
        obs_string!("Test Module")

    fn author() -> ObsString {


  1. Run cargo build --release
  2. Copy /target/release/<module-name>.so to your OBS plugins folder (/usr/lib/obs-plugins/) 3. The plugin should be available for use from inside OBS


pub use obs_sys;


obs_data_t handling
Tools required for manipulating graphics in OBS
Logger for logging to OBS console
Tools for creating modules
Tools for creating outputs
Re-exports of a bunch of popular tools
Tools for creating properties
Tools for creating sources
String macros
FFI pointer wrapper



Type Definitions