Macro object_alloc_test::call_for_all_types_prefix [] [src]

macro_rules! call_for_all_types_prefix {
    ($fn:ident, $prefix:ident $(, $arg:tt)*) => { ... };

Call a macro once for each type defined in the types module.

call_for_all_types_prefix is useful for defining something (usually test functions) once for each type defined in the test module. The first argument, fn, is the name of a macro to invoke. This macro will be invoked once for each type with its first argument being a constructed identifier and the second argument being the type. For example, call_for_all_types_prefix!(foo, bar) expands to:

foo!(bar_0001_byte, $crate::types::Byte1);
foo!(bar_0002_byte, $crate::types::Byte2);
foo!(bar_0003_byte, $crate::types::Byte3);
// ...etc

An arbitrary number of optional arguments may also be supplied; these will be passed as additional trailing arguments in the invocation of the macro. For example, call_for_all_types_prefix!(foo, bar, baz, blah) expands to:

foo!(bar_0001_byte, $crate::types::Byte1, baz, blah);
foo!(bar_0002_byte, $crate::types::Byte2, baz, blah);
foo!(bar_0003_byte, $crate::types::Byte3, baz, blah);
// ...etc


macro_rules! make_default_test {
    ($name:ident, $type:ty) => (
        fn $name() {

call_for_all_types_prefix!(make_default_test, default_test);