Trait objc2::mutability::HasStableHash

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pub unsafe trait HasStableHash: Sealed { }
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Marker trait for classes whose hash and isEqual: methods are stable.

This is useful for hashing collection types like NSDictionary and NSSet which require that their keys never change.

This is implemented for classes whose ClassType::Mutability is one of:

Since all of these do not use interior mutability, and since the hash and isEqual: methods are required to not use external sources like thread locals or randomness to determine their result, we can guarantee that the hash is stable for these types.


This is a sealed trait, and should not need to be implemented. Open an issue if you know a use-case where this restrition should be lifted!



impl<P: ?Sized + HasStableHash> HasStableHash for ProtocolObject<P>


impl<T: ?Sized + ClassType> HasStableHash for T
where T::Mutability: MutabilityHashIsStable,