pub unsafe trait ClassType: Message {
    type Super: Message;

    const NAME: &'static str;

    fn class() -> &'static Class;
    fn as_super(&self) -> &Self::Super;
    fn as_super_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Super;
Expand description

Marks types that represent specific classes.

Usually it is enough to generically know that a type is messageable, e.g. rc::Id works with any type that implements the Message trait. But often, you have an object that you know represents a specific Objective-C class - this trait allows you to communicate that to the rest of the type-system.

This is implemented automatically by the declare_class! and extern_class! macros.


The class returned by Self::class must be a subclass of the class that Self::Super represents, and as_super/as_super_mut must be implemented correctly. Finally Self::NAME must be correct.

In pseudocode:

Self::class().superclass() == <Self::Super as ClassType>::class()
Self::class().name() == Self::NAME


Use the trait to access the Class of different objects.

use objc2::ClassType;
use objc2::foundation::NSObject;
// Get a class object representing `NSObject`
let cls = <NSObject as ClassType>::class(); // Or just `NSObject::class()`

Use the extern_class! macro to implement this trait for a type.

use objc2::{extern_class, ClassType};

    struct MyClass;

    unsafe impl ClassType for MyClass {
        type Super = NSObject;

let cls = MyClass::class();

Required Associated Types

The superclass of this class.

If you have implemented Deref for your type, it is highly recommended that this is equal to Deref::Target.

This may be runtime::Object if the class is a root class.

Required Associated Constants

The name of the Objective-C class that this type represents.

Required Methods

Get a reference to the Objective-C class that this type represents.

May register the class with the runtime if it wasn’t already.


This may panic if something went wrong with getting or declaring the class, e.g. if the program is not properly linked to the framework that defines the class.

Get an immutable reference to the superclass.

Get a mutable reference to the superclass.
