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Objective-C type-encoding

This is re-exported into the top level of objc2.

The Objective-C directive @encode encodes types as strings, and this is used in various places in the runtime.

This crate provides the Encoding type to efficiently describe and compare these type-encodings.

Additionally it provides traits for annotating types that has an Objective-C encoding: Specifically Encode for structs, RefEncode for references and EncodeArguments for function arguments.

This crate is exported under the objc2 crate as objc2::encode, so usually you would just use it from there.


Implementing Encode and RefEncode for a custom type:

use objc2_encode::{Encode, Encoding, RefEncode};
// or from objc2:
// use objc2::{Encode, Encoding, RefEncode};

struct MyStruct {
    a: f32, // float
    b: i16, // int16_t

unsafe impl Encode for MyStruct {
    const ENCODING: Encoding = Encoding::Struct(
        "MyStruct", // Must use the same name as defined in C header files
            f32::ENCODING, // Same as Encoding::Float
            i16::ENCODING, // Same as Encoding::Short

// @encode(MyStruct) -> "{MyStruct=fs}"

unsafe impl RefEncode for MyStruct {
    // Note that if `MyStruct` is an Objective-C instance, this should
    // be `Encoding::Object`.
    const ENCODING_REF: Encoding = Encoding::Pointer(&Self::ENCODING);

// @encode(MyStruct*) -> "^{MyStruct=fs}"

See the examples folder for more complex usage.


We’ve taken the pragmatic approach with Encode and RefEncode, and have implemented it for as many types as possible (instead of defining a bunch of subtraits for very specific purposes). However, that might sometimes be slightly surprising.

The primary example is (), which doesn’t make sense as a method argument, but is a very common return type, and hence implements Encode.

Further resources


An Objective-C type-encoding.


Types that have an Objective-C type-encoding.

Types that represent an ordered group of function arguments, where each argument has an Objective-C type-encoding, or can be converted from one.

Represents types that can easily be converted to/from an Encode type.

Types whoose references has an Objective-C type-encoding.