Expand description

This module contains the bindings to the Neovim API, exposed in Lua through the vim.api table.

Naming convention

All the functions have been renamed by dropping the leading nvim_ prefix, e.g. nvim_get_current_buf simply becomes get_current_buf.

Also, the functions starting with nvim_buf_*, nvim_win_* and nvim_tabpage_* are implemented as methods on the Buffer, Window and TabPage objects respectively.


Contains the *Opts structs representing the optional arguments passsed to Neovim API functions.
Contains various types given to and returned from Neovim API functions.


A wrapper around a Neovim buffer handle.
A wrapper around a Neovim tab handle.
A wrapper around a Neovim window handle.



A Rust closure, a Function or a string.
A string or an integer.
A string or a list of strings.
A Rust closure or a Function.


Binding to nvim_echo.
Binding to nvim_eval.
Binding to nvim_exec.
Binding to nvim_input.
Binding to nvim_notify.
Binding to nvim_paste.
Binding to nvim_put.
Binding to nvim_set_hl.