Module nvd_cves::v4

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  • These objects can in turn contain more objects, arrays, strings and so on. The reason for this is so that each top level object type can contain self-identifying data such as CVE_Data_version. Most objects can in turn contains virtually any other object. In general, if you traverse into the nested tree of objects you should not encounter any chains that contains more than one instance of a given object container. Simply put you should not for example encounter a chain such as: root, CVE_affects, CVE_configuration, CVE_workaround, CVE_configuration. Please note that this rule may be subject to change as we get new container types and use cases.
  • This is metadata about the CVE ID such as the CVE ID, who requested it, who assigned it, when it was requested, when it was assigned, the current state (PUBLIC, REJECT, etc.) and so on.
  • This is problem type information (e.g. CWE identifier).
  • These URLs are supplemental information relevant to the vulnerability, which include details that may not be present in the CVE Description. References are given resource tags such as third-party advisory, vendor advisory, technical paper, press/media, VDB entries, etc. These tags can help users quickly categorize the type of information each reference contains. References for a CVE are provided through the CVE list, the NVD does not have direct control over them. If you have concerns with existing CVE references or find other publicly available information that would be useful, then you can submit a request using the form at for the CVE Assignment Team to review.