Crate num_convert

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§Generic traits for conversions between integer types.

This library provides various ways to convert to integer type from other types.


assert_eq!(<u8 as FromByAdd<i8>>::from_by_add(-128_i8), 0_u8);
assert_eq!(<i16 as IntoByAdd<u16>>::into_by_add(i16::MIN), u16::MIN);

assert_eq!(<i8 as TryFromByAdd<u8>>::try_from_by_add(0_u8), Some(-128_i8));
assert_eq!(<i128 as TryIntoByAdd<u128>>::try_into_by_add(i128::MIN), Some(u128::MIN));

assert_eq!(<u8 as FromAs<i8>>::from_as(-128_i8), 128_u8);
assert_eq!(<u16 as IntoAs<u8>>::into_as(258_u16), 2_u8);

assert_eq!(<u8 as TryFromDigits<u16>>::from_digits(65_255_u16), Ok(255_u8));

assert_eq!(u64::MAX.sbits(), 64_u32);
assert_eq!(i8::tbits(), 8_u32);

assert_eq!(0i8.len(), 1_usize);
assert_eq!(u128::MAX.len(), 39_usize);

assert_eq!(<i32 as FromTuple>::from_5((true, false, 45_u8, 2023_u16, -60_i8,)),
[1_i32, 0_i32, 45_i32, 2023_i32, -60_i32]);

assert_eq!(<i16 as TryFromIntStr<&str>>::try_from_int_str("-2023"), Ok(-2023_i16));
assert_eq!(<u16 as TryFromIntStr<u128>>::try_from_int_str(1975_u128), Ok(1975_u16));


  • ConvertErrorstry_from_int_str and try_tup_to_arr8 and try_tup_to_arr16
    Structure for storing miscellaneous errors.
  • TryFromIntStrErrtry_from_int_str
    An error which can be returned when parsing an integer or string.
  • TryTupToArrErrtry_tup_to_arr8 and try_tup_to_arr16
    A structure to store the error and its position.


  • IntStrErrortry_from_int_str
    Enum to store the various types of errors that can cause parsing an integer or string to fail.
  • MultiErrorstry_from_int_str and try_tup_to_arr8 and try_tup_to_arr16
    Enumeration error variants for the crate.


  • CastFromAscast_from_as
    The CastFromAs trait for simple convert from value between integer types with possible overflow.
  • CastIntoAscast_into_as
    The CastIntoAs trait for simple convert self value between integer types with possible overflow.
  • CheckRemget_rem
    Trait for checking the remainder.
  • The FromAs generic trait for convert from value between integer types with possible overflow.
  • Generic trait for converting between integer types of different signs.
  • FromTupletup8 and tup16
    A trait to convert a tuple of different types to an array of integers.
  • A trait IntegerLen to determine the number of digits of integers.
  • The IntoAs trait for convert into value between integer types with possible overflow.
  • A generic trait for converting into possible types with different signs.
  • Sbitsbits
    The Sbit trait for define the size of integer value in bits.
  • Tbitsbits
    Generic trait for define the size of the integers type in bits.
  • ToMaxto_max
    Trait to implement upper bounds on types.
  • ToMinto_min
    Trait to implement lower bounds on types.
  • ToZeroto_zero
    Trait for implementing the null value of types.
  • Generic trait for converting between integer types within bounds of possible values.
  • Generic trait for converting integer type digits to some integer type.
  • TryFromIntStrtry_from_int_str
    A generic trait for converting from str or integer to type integer.
  • A generic trait for converting into possible types.
  • TryTupToArrtry_tup_to_arr8 and try_tup_to_arr16
    A trait to convert a tuple of different types to an array of integers, a possible conversion error.
  • TypeInfotype_info
    Trait for type info.
  • ValTypeInfoval_type_info
    Trait value type info.