Expand description

Status register 1


Value of the field
Value read from the register
Value to write to the register


Possible values of the field ADDR
Possible values of the field AF
Values that can be written to the field AF
Possible values of the field ARLO
Values that can be written to the field ARLO
Possible values of the field BERR
Values that can be written to the field BERR
Possible values of the field BTF
Possible values of the field OVR
Values that can be written to the field OVR
Possible values of the field PECERR
Values that can be written to the field PECERR
Possible values of the field RxNE
Possible values of the field SB
Possible values of the field SMBALERT
Values that can be written to the field SMBALERT
Possible values of the field STOPF
Possible values of the field TIMEOUT
Values that can be written to the field TIMEOUT
Possible values of the field TxE