Module ntex::web

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Web framework for Rust.

use ntex::web;

async fn index(info: web::types::Path<(String, u32)>) -> String {
    format!("Hello {}! id:{}", info.0, info.1)

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    web::server(|| web::App::new().service(

Documentation & community resources

Besides the API documentation (which you are currently looking at!), several other resources are available:

To get started navigating the API documentation you may want to consider looking at the following pages:

  • App: This struct represents an ntex web application and is used to configure routes and other common settings.

  • HttpServer: This struct represents an HTTP server instance and is used to instantiate and configure servers.

  • HttpRequest and HttpResponse: These structs represent HTTP requests and responses and expose various methods for inspecting, creating and otherwise utilizing them.


  • Supported HTTP/1.x and HTTP/2.0 protocols
  • Streaming and pipelining
  • Keep-alive and slow requests handling
  • WebSockets server/client
  • Transparent content compression/decompression (br, gzip, deflate)
  • Configurable request routing
  • SSL support with OpenSSL or rustls
  • Middlewares
  • Supported Rust version: 1.41 or later

Package feature

  • cookie - enables http cookie support
  • compress - enables content encoding compression support
  • openssl - enables ssl support via openssl crate
  • rustls - enables ssl support via rustls crate


pub use self::error::ErrorContainer;
pub use self::error::ErrorRenderer;
pub use self::error::WebResponseError;


The ntex::web prelude for library developers
Web error
Route match guards.
Various helpers for ntex applications to use during testing.
Extractor types
WebSockets protocol support


Application builder - structure that follows the builder pattern for building application instances.
Default error type
Generic error container for errors that supports DefaultError renderer.
An HTTP Request
An HTTP Response
An HTTP response builder
An HTTP Server.
Resource is an entry in resources table which corresponds to requested URL.
Resource route definition
Resources scope.
Service config is used for external configuration. Part of application configuration could be offloaded to set of external methods. This could help with modularization of big application configuration.
An service http request
An service http response


Helper trait that allows to set specific encoding for response.
Trait implemented by types that can be extracted from request.
Async fn handler
Trait implemented by types that can be converted to a http response.


Execute blocking function on a thread pool, returns future that resolves to result of the function execution.
Create route with DELETE method guard.
Create route with GET method guard.
Create route with HEAD method guard.
Create route and add method guard.
Create route with PATCH method guard.
Create route with POST method guard.
Create route with PUT method guard.
Create resource for a specific path.
Create route without configuration.
Configure scope for common root path.
Create new http server with application factory.
Create service adapter for a specific path.
Create a new route and add handler.

Attribute Macros

Creates route handler with CONNECT method guard.
Creates route handler with DELETE method guard.
Creates route handler with GET method guard.
Creates route handler with HEAD method guard.
Creates route handler with OPTIONS method guard.
Creates route handler with PATCH method guard.
Creates route handler with POST method guard.
Creates route handler with PUT method guard.
Creates route handler with TRACE method guard.