Enum ntex::web::Either[][src]

pub enum Either<L, R> {

The enum Either with variants Left and Right is a general purpose sum type with two cases.

The Either type is symmetric and treats its variants the same way, without preference. (For representing success or error, use the regular Result enum instead.)



A value of type L.


A value of type R.


impl<L, R> Either<L, R>[src]

pub fn is_left(&self) -> bool[src]

Return true if the value is the Left variant.

use either::*;

let values = [Left(1), Right("the right value")];
assert_eq!(values[0].is_left(), true);
assert_eq!(values[1].is_left(), false);

pub fn is_right(&self) -> bool[src]

Return true if the value is the Right variant.

use either::*;

let values = [Left(1), Right("the right value")];
assert_eq!(values[0].is_right(), false);
assert_eq!(values[1].is_right(), true);

pub fn left(self) -> Option<L>[src]

Convert the left side of Either<L, R> to an Option<L>.

use either::*;

let left: Either<_, ()> = Left("some value");
assert_eq!(left.left(),  Some("some value"));

let right: Either<(), _> = Right(321);
assert_eq!(right.left(), None);

pub fn right(self) -> Option<R>[src]

Convert the right side of Either<L, R> to an Option<R>.

use either::*;

let left: Either<_, ()> = Left("some value");
assert_eq!(left.right(),  None);

let right: Either<(), _> = Right(321);
assert_eq!(right.right(), Some(321));

pub fn as_ref(&self) -> Either<&L, &R>

Notable traits for Either<L, R>

impl<L, R> Iterator for Either<L, R> where
    R: Iterator<Item = <L as Iterator>::Item>,
    L: Iterator
type Item = <L as Iterator>::Item;impl<L, R> Write for Either<L, R> where
    R: Write,
    L: Write
impl<L, R> Read for Either<L, R> where
    R: Read,
    L: Read

Convert &Either<L, R> to Either<&L, &R>.

use either::*;

let left: Either<_, ()> = Left("some value");
assert_eq!(left.as_ref(), Left(&"some value"));

let right: Either<(), _> = Right("some value");
assert_eq!(right.as_ref(), Right(&"some value"));

pub fn as_mut(&mut self) -> Either<&mut L, &mut R>

Notable traits for Either<L, R>

impl<L, R> Iterator for Either<L, R> where
    R: Iterator<Item = <L as Iterator>::Item>,
    L: Iterator
type Item = <L as Iterator>::Item;impl<L, R> Write for Either<L, R> where
    R: Write,
    L: Write
impl<L, R> Read for Either<L, R> where
    R: Read,
    L: Read

Convert &mut Either<L, R> to Either<&mut L, &mut R>.

use either::*;

fn mutate_left(value: &mut Either<u32, u32>) {
    if let Some(l) = value.as_mut().left() {
        *l = 999;

let mut left = Left(123);
let mut right = Right(123);
mutate_left(&mut left);
mutate_left(&mut right);
assert_eq!(left, Left(999));
assert_eq!(right, Right(123));

pub fn flip(self) -> Either<R, L>

Notable traits for Either<L, R>

impl<L, R> Iterator for Either<L, R> where
    R: Iterator<Item = <L as Iterator>::Item>,
    L: Iterator
type Item = <L as Iterator>::Item;impl<L, R> Write for Either<L, R> where
    R: Write,
    L: Write
impl<L, R> Read for Either<L, R> where
    R: Read,
    L: Read

Convert Either<L, R> to Either<R, L>.

use either::*;

let left: Either<_, ()> = Left(123);
assert_eq!(left.flip(), Right(123));

let right: Either<(), _> = Right("some value");
assert_eq!(right.flip(), Left("some value"));

pub fn map_left<F, M>(self, f: F) -> Either<M, R>

Notable traits for Either<L, R>

impl<L, R> Iterator for Either<L, R> where
    R: Iterator<Item = <L as Iterator>::Item>,
    L: Iterator
type Item = <L as Iterator>::Item;impl<L, R> Write for Either<L, R> where
    R: Write,
    L: Write
impl<L, R> Read for Either<L, R> where
    R: Read,
    L: Read
    F: FnOnce(L) -> M, 

Apply the function f on the value in the Left variant if it is present rewrapping the result in Left.

use either::*;

let left: Either<_, u32> = Left(123);
assert_eq!(left.map_left(|x| x * 2), Left(246));

let right: Either<u32, _> = Right(123);
assert_eq!(right.map_left(|x| x * 2), Right(123));

pub fn map_right<F, S>(self, f: F) -> Either<L, S>

Notable traits for Either<L, R>

impl<L, R> Iterator for Either<L, R> where
    R: Iterator<Item = <L as Iterator>::Item>,
    L: Iterator
type Item = <L as Iterator>::Item;impl<L, R> Write for Either<L, R> where
    R: Write,
    L: Write
impl<L, R> Read for Either<L, R> where
    R: Read,
    L: Read
    F: FnOnce(R) -> S, 

Apply the function f on the value in the Right variant if it is present rewrapping the result in Right.

use either::*;

let left: Either<_, u32> = Left(123);
assert_eq!(left.map_right(|x| x * 2), Left(123));

let right: Either<u32, _> = Right(123);
assert_eq!(right.map_right(|x| x * 2), Right(246));

pub fn either<F, G, T>(self, f: F, g: G) -> T where
    F: FnOnce(L) -> T,
    G: FnOnce(R) -> T, 

Apply one of two functions depending on contents, unifying their result. If the value is Left(L) then the first function f is applied; if it is Right(R) then the second function g is applied.

use either::*;

fn square(n: u32) -> i32 { (n * n) as i32 }
fn negate(n: i32) -> i32 { -n }

let left: Either<u32, i32> = Left(4);
assert_eq!(left.either(square, negate), 16);

let right: Either<u32, i32> = Right(-4);
assert_eq!(right.either(square, negate), 4);

pub fn either_with<Ctx, F, G, T>(self, ctx: Ctx, f: F, g: G) -> T where
    F: FnOnce(Ctx, L) -> T,
    G: FnOnce(Ctx, R) -> T, 

Like either, but provide some context to whichever of the functions ends up being called.

// In this example, the context is a mutable reference
use either::*;

let mut result = Vec::new();

let values = vec![Left(2), Right(2.7)];

for value in values {
    value.either_with(&mut result,
                      |ctx, integer| ctx.push(integer),
                      |ctx, real| ctx.push(f64::round(real) as i32));

assert_eq!(result, vec![2, 3]);

pub fn left_and_then<F, S>(self, f: F) -> Either<S, R>

Notable traits for Either<L, R>

impl<L, R> Iterator for Either<L, R> where
    R: Iterator<Item = <L as Iterator>::Item>,
    L: Iterator
type Item = <L as Iterator>::Item;impl<L, R> Write for Either<L, R> where
    R: Write,
    L: Write
impl<L, R> Read for Either<L, R> where
    R: Read,
    L: Read
    F: FnOnce(L) -> Either<S, R>, 

Apply the function f on the value in the Left variant if it is present.

use either::*;

let left: Either<_, u32> = Left(123);
assert_eq!(left.left_and_then::<_,()>(|x| Right(x * 2)), Right(246));

let right: Either<u32, _> = Right(123);
assert_eq!(right.left_and_then(|x| Right::<(), _>(x * 2)), Right(123));

pub fn right_and_then<F, S>(self, f: F) -> Either<L, S>

Notable traits for Either<L, R>

impl<L, R> Iterator for Either<L, R> where
    R: Iterator<Item = <L as Iterator>::Item>,
    L: Iterator
type Item = <L as Iterator>::Item;impl<L, R> Write for Either<L, R> where
    R: Write,
    L: Write
impl<L, R> Read for Either<L, R> where
    R: Read,
    L: Read
    F: FnOnce(R) -> Either<L, S>, 

Apply the function f on the value in the Right variant if it is present.

use either::*;

let left: Either<_, u32> = Left(123);
assert_eq!(left.right_and_then(|x| Right(x * 2)), Left(123));

let right: Either<u32, _> = Right(123);
assert_eq!(right.right_and_then(|x| Right(x * 2)), Right(246));

pub fn into_iter(
) -> Either<<L as IntoIterator>::IntoIter, <R as IntoIterator>::IntoIter>

Notable traits for Either<L, R>

impl<L, R> Iterator for Either<L, R> where
    R: Iterator<Item = <L as Iterator>::Item>,
    L: Iterator
type Item = <L as Iterator>::Item;impl<L, R> Write for Either<L, R> where
    R: Write,
    L: Write
impl<L, R> Read for Either<L, R> where
    R: Read,
    L: Read
    R: IntoIterator<Item = <L as IntoIterator>::Item>,
    L: IntoIterator

Convert the inner value to an iterator.

use either::*;

let left: Either<_, Vec<u32>> = Left(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
let mut right: Either<Vec<u32>, _> = Right(vec![]);
assert_eq!(right, Right(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));

pub fn left_or(self, other: L) -> L[src]

Return left value or given value

Arguments passed to left_or are eagerly evaluated; if you are passing the result of a function call, it is recommended to use left_or_else, which is lazily evaluated.


let left: Either<&str, &str> = Left("left");
assert_eq!(left.left_or("foo"), "left");

let right: Either<&str, &str> = Right("right");
assert_eq!(right.left_or("left"), "left");

pub fn left_or_default(self) -> L where
    L: Default

Return left or a default


let left: Either<String, u32> = Left("left".to_string());
assert_eq!(left.left_or_default(), "left");

let right: Either<String, u32> = Right(42);
assert_eq!(right.left_or_default(), String::default());

pub fn left_or_else<F>(self, f: F) -> L where
    F: FnOnce(R) -> L, 

Returns left value or computes it from a closure


let left: Either<String, u32> = Left("3".to_string());
assert_eq!(left.left_or_else(|_| unreachable!()), "3");

let right: Either<String, u32> = Right(3);
assert_eq!(right.left_or_else(|x| x.to_string()), "3");

pub fn right_or(self, other: R) -> R[src]

Return right value or given value

Arguments passed to right_or are eagerly evaluated; if you are passing the result of a function call, it is recommended to use right_or_else, which is lazily evaluated.


let right: Either<&str, &str> = Right("right");
assert_eq!(right.right_or("foo"), "right");

let left: Either<&str, &str> = Left("left");
assert_eq!(left.right_or("right"), "right");

pub fn right_or_default(self) -> R where
    R: Default

Return right or a default


let left: Either<String, u32> = Left("left".to_string());
assert_eq!(left.right_or_default(), u32::default());

let right: Either<String, u32> = Right(42);
assert_eq!(right.right_or_default(), 42);

pub fn right_or_else<F>(self, f: F) -> R where
    F: FnOnce(L) -> R, 

Returns right value or computes it from a closure


let left: Either<String, u32> = Left("3".to_string());
assert_eq!(left.right_or_else(|x| x.parse().unwrap()), 3);

let right: Either<String, u32> = Right(3);
assert_eq!(right.right_or_else(|_| unreachable!()), 3);

pub fn unwrap_left(self) -> L where
    R: Debug

Returns the left value


let left: Either<_, ()> = Left(3);
assert_eq!(left.unwrap_left(), 3);


When Either is a Right value

let right: Either<(), _> = Right(3);

pub fn unwrap_right(self) -> R where
    L: Debug

Returns the right value


let right: Either<(), _> = Right(3);
assert_eq!(right.unwrap_right(), 3);


When Either is a Left value

let left: Either<_, ()> = Left(3);

pub fn expect_left(self, msg: &str) -> L where
    R: Debug

Returns the left value


let left: Either<_, ()> = Left(3);
assert_eq!(left.expect_left("value was Right"), 3);


When Either is a Right value

let right: Either<(), _> = Right(3);
right.expect_left("value was Right");

pub fn expect_right(self, msg: &str) -> R where
    L: Debug

Returns the right value


let right: Either<(), _> = Right(3);
assert_eq!(right.expect_right("value was Left"), 3);


When Either is a Left value

let left: Either<_, ()> = Left(3);
left.expect_right("value was Right");

impl<T, L, R> Either<(T, L), (T, R)>[src]

pub fn factor_first(self) -> (T, Either<L, R>)[src]

Factor out a homogeneous type from an either of pairs.

Here, the homogeneous type is the first element of the pairs.

use either::*;
let left: Either<_, (u32, String)> = Left((123, vec![0]));
assert_eq!(left.factor_first().0, 123);

let right: Either<(u32, Vec<u8>), _> = Right((123, String::new()));
assert_eq!(right.factor_first().0, 123);

impl<T, L, R> Either<(L, T), (R, T)>[src]

pub fn factor_second(self) -> (Either<L, R>, T)[src]

Factor out a homogeneous type from an either of pairs.

Here, the homogeneous type is the second element of the pairs.

use either::*;
let left: Either<_, (String, u32)> = Left((vec![0], 123));
assert_eq!(left.factor_second().1, 123);

let right: Either<(Vec<u8>, u32), _> = Right((String::new(), 123));
assert_eq!(right.factor_second().1, 123);

impl<T> Either<T, T>[src]

pub fn into_inner(self) -> T[src]

Extract the value of an either over two equivalent types.

use either::*;

let left: Either<_, u32> = Left(123);
assert_eq!(left.into_inner(), 123);

let right: Either<u32, _> = Right(123);
assert_eq!(right.into_inner(), 123);

pub fn map<F, M>(self, f: F) -> Either<M, M>

Notable traits for Either<L, R>

impl<L, R> Iterator for Either<L, R> where
    R: Iterator<Item = <L as Iterator>::Item>,
    L: Iterator
type Item = <L as Iterator>::Item;impl<L, R> Write for Either<L, R> where
    R: Write,
    L: Write
impl<L, R> Read for Either<L, R> where
    R: Read,
    L: Read
    F: FnOnce(T) -> M, 

Map f over the contained value and return the result in the corresponding variant.

use either::*;

let value: Either<_, i32> = Right(42);

let other = value.map(|x| x * 2);
assert_eq!(other, Right(84));

Trait Implementations

impl<L, R, Target> AsMut<[Target]> for Either<L, R> where
    R: AsMut<[Target]>,
    L: AsMut<[Target]>, 

impl<L, R> AsMut<CStr> for Either<L, R> where
    R: AsMut<CStr>,
    L: AsMut<CStr>, 

Requires crate feature use_std.

impl<L, R> AsMut<OsStr> for Either<L, R> where
    R: AsMut<OsStr>,
    L: AsMut<OsStr>, 

Requires crate feature use_std.

impl<L, R> AsMut<Path> for Either<L, R> where
    R: AsMut<Path>,
    L: AsMut<Path>, 

Requires crate feature use_std.

impl<L, R, Target> AsMut<Target> for Either<L, R> where
    R: AsMut<Target>,
    L: AsMut<Target>, 

impl<L, R> AsMut<str> for Either<L, R> where
    R: AsMut<str>,
    L: AsMut<str>, 

impl<L, R, Target> AsRef<[Target]> for Either<L, R> where
    R: AsRef<[Target]>,
    L: AsRef<[Target]>, 

impl<L, R> AsRef<CStr> for Either<L, R> where
    R: AsRef<CStr>,
    L: AsRef<CStr>, 

Requires crate feature use_std.

impl<L, R> AsRef<OsStr> for Either<L, R> where
    R: AsRef<OsStr>,
    L: AsRef<OsStr>, 

Requires crate feature use_std.

impl<L, R> AsRef<Path> for Either<L, R> where
    R: AsRef<Path>,
    L: AsRef<Path>, 

Requires crate feature use_std.

impl<L, R, Target> AsRef<Target> for Either<L, R> where
    R: AsRef<Target>,
    L: AsRef<Target>, 

impl<L, R> AsRef<str> for Either<L, R> where
    R: AsRef<str>,
    L: AsRef<str>, 

impl<L, R> BufRead for Either<L, R> where
    R: BufRead,
    L: BufRead

Requires crate feature "use_std"

impl<L, R> Clone for Either<L, R> where
    R: Clone,
    L: Clone

impl<L, R> Copy for Either<L, R> where
    R: Copy,
    L: Copy

impl<L, R> Debug for Either<L, R> where
    R: Debug,
    L: Debug

impl<L, R> Deref for Either<L, R> where
    R: Deref<Target = <L as Deref>::Target>,
    L: Deref

type Target = <L as Deref>::Target

The resulting type after dereferencing.

impl<L, R> DerefMut for Either<L, R> where
    R: DerefMut<Target = <L as Deref>::Target>,
    L: DerefMut

impl<L, R> Display for Either<L, R> where
    R: Display,
    L: Display

impl<L, R> DoubleEndedIterator for Either<L, R> where
    R: DoubleEndedIterator<Item = <L as Iterator>::Item>,
    L: DoubleEndedIterator

impl<L, R> Eq for Either<L, R> where
    R: Eq,
    L: Eq

impl<L, R> Error for Either<L, R> where
    R: Error,
    L: Error

Either implements Error if both L and R implement it.

impl<L, R> ExactSizeIterator for Either<L, R> where
    R: ExactSizeIterator<Item = <L as Iterator>::Item>,
    L: ExactSizeIterator

impl<L, R, A> Extend<A> for Either<L, R> where
    R: Extend<A>,
    L: Extend<A>, 

impl From<Either<Error, Error>> for SendRequestError[src]

impl From<Either<ParseError, Error>> for SendRequestError[src]

impl From<Either<PayloadError, Error>> for PayloadError[src]

impl<L, R> From<Result<R, L>> for Either<L, R>[src]

Convert from Result to Either with Ok => Right and Err => Left.

impl<L, R> Hash for Either<L, R> where
    R: Hash,
    L: Hash

impl<L, R> Into<Result<R, L>> for Either<L, R>[src]

Convert from Either to Result with Right => Ok and Left => Err.

impl<L, R> Iterator for Either<L, R> where
    R: Iterator<Item = <L as Iterator>::Item>,
    L: Iterator

Either<L, R> is an iterator if both L and R are iterators.

type Item = <L as Iterator>::Item

The type of the elements being iterated over.

impl<L, R> Ord for Either<L, R> where
    R: Ord,
    L: Ord

impl<L, R> PartialEq<Either<L, R>> for Either<L, R> where
    R: PartialEq<R>,
    L: PartialEq<L>, 

impl<L, R> PartialOrd<Either<L, R>> for Either<L, R> where
    R: PartialOrd<R>,
    L: PartialOrd<L>, 

impl<L, R> Read for Either<L, R> where
    R: Read,
    L: Read

Either<L, R> implements Read if both L and R do.

Requires crate feature "use_std"

impl<A, B, Err> Responder<Err> for Either<A, B> where
    A: Responder<Err>,
    B: Responder<Err>,
    Err: ErrorRenderer

Combines two different responder types into a single type

use ntex::web::{Either, HttpResponse};

fn index() -> Either<HttpResponse, &'static str> {
    if is_a_variant() {
        // <- choose left variant
        Either::Left(HttpResponse::BadRequest().body("Bad data"))
    } else {
        // <- Right variant

type Error = Err::Container

The associated error which can be returned.

type Future = EitherFuture<A::Future, B::Future>

The future response value.

impl<L, R> StructuralEq for Either<L, R>[src]

impl<L, R> StructuralPartialEq for Either<L, R>[src]

impl<A, B, Err> WebResponseError<Err> for Either<A, B> where
    A: WebResponseError<Err>,
    B: WebResponseError<Err>,
    Err: ErrorRenderer

impl<L, R> Write for Either<L, R> where
    R: Write,
    L: Write

Either<L, R> implements Write if both L and R do.

Requires crate feature "use_std"

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<L, R> RefUnwindSafe for Either<L, R> where
    L: RefUnwindSafe,
    R: RefUnwindSafe

impl<L, R> Send for Either<L, R> where
    L: Send,
    R: Send

impl<L, R> Sync for Either<L, R> where
    L: Sync,
    R: Sync

impl<L, R> Unpin for Either<L, R> where
    L: Unpin,
    R: Unpin

impl<L, R> UnwindSafe for Either<L, R> where
    L: UnwindSafe,
    R: UnwindSafe

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> CallHasher for T where
    T: Hash + ?Sized

impl<'e, I, E> EmitAndCount for I where
    I: Iterator<Item = &'e E>,
    E: 'e + BinEncodable

impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q where
    K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,
    Q: Eq + ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T> Instrument for T[src]

impl<T> Instrument for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<I> IntoIterator for I where
    I: Iterator

type Item = <I as Iterator>::Item

The type of the elements being iterated over.

type IntoIter = I

Which kind of iterator are we turning this into?

impl<I> IteratorRandom for I where
    I: Iterator

impl<I> IteratorRandom for I where
    I: Iterator

impl<T> Same<T> for T

type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T> ToString for T where
    T: Display + ?Sized

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<I> UnicodeNormalization<I> for I where
    I: Iterator<Item = char>, 

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T where
    V: MultiLane<T>,