[][src]Type Definition nrf52832_pac::radio::pcnf1::W

type W = W<u32, PCNF1>;

Writer for register PCNF1


impl W[src]

pub fn maxlen(&mut self) -> MAXLEN_W[src]

Bits 0:7 - Maximum length of packet payload. If the packet payload is larger than MAXLEN, the radio will truncate the payload to MAXLEN.

pub fn statlen(&mut self) -> STATLEN_W[src]

Bits 8:15 - Static length in number of bytes

pub fn balen(&mut self) -> BALEN_W[src]

Bits 16:18 - Base address length in number of bytes

pub fn endian(&mut self) -> ENDIAN_W[src]

Bit 24 - On air endianness of packet, this applies to the S0, LENGTH, S1 and the PAYLOAD fields.

pub fn whiteen(&mut self) -> WHITEEN_W[src]

Bit 25 - Enable or disable packet whitening