[][src]Trait nrf52832_hal::prelude::_embedded_hal_digital_ToggleableOutputPin

pub trait _embedded_hal_digital_ToggleableOutputPin {
    pub fn toggle(&mut self);
👎 Deprecated since 0.2.2:

Deprecated because the methods cannot return errors. Users should use the traits in digital::v2.

Output pin that can be toggled

This trait is available if embedded-hal is built with the "unproven" feature.

This version of the trait is now deprecated. Please use the new ToggleableOutputPin trait in digital::v2::ToggleableOutputPin.

See toggleable to use a software implementation if both OutputPin and StatefulOutputPin are implemented. Otherwise, implement this using hardware mechanisms.

Required methods

pub fn toggle(&mut self)[src]

👎 Deprecated since 0.2.2:

Deprecated because the methods cannot return errors. Users should use the traits in digital::v2.

Toggle pin output.

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impl<P> ToggleableOutputPin for P where
    P: Default

pub fn toggle(&mut self)[src]

👎 Deprecated since 0.2.2:

Deprecated because the methods cannot return errors. Users should use the traits in digital::v2.

Toggle pin output

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