Module nphysics3d::solver::helper[][src]

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Utilities for computing velocity and position constraints.


The direction of a force in world-space.


Generate position constraints to moved the body parts such that the given axis will become aligned.

Generate velocity constraints to cancel the relative angular velocity of two bodies.

Generate velocity constraints to cancel the relative angular velocity of two bodies wrt. the given axis.

Generates velocity constraints to cancel the relative linear velocity of two body parts.

Generates velocity constraints to cancel the relative linear velocity of two body parts wrt the given axis.

Generate position constraints to cancel the relative rotation of two bodies.

Generate position constraints to cancel the relative translation of two bodies.

Generate position constraints to cancel the relative translation of two bodies wrt the given axis.

Fills all the jacobians (and the jacobians multiplied by the invers augmented mass matricxs) for a constraint applying a force at the points center1, center2 and the direction dir.

Test if a constraint between the two given bodies should be a ground constraint (a constraint between a dynamic body and one without any degree of freedom).

Generate position constraints to project anchor2 into the axis with direction axis1 and passing through the anchor1.

Generate position constraints to ensure the two given axis are seperated by the given angle.

Generate velocity constraints to cancel the relative angular velocity of two bodies along all axis except the one provided.

Generate velocity constraints to cancel the relative linear velocity of two bodies along all axis except the one provided.

Retrieve the external velocity subvectors for the given bodies.