Crate nonvolatile

Expand description

Nonvolatile is a library for storing persistent settings and configuration data out of the way.

Nonvolatile state is created by instantiating a State instance with a name, usually the name of the program creating it. Any set values are written to disk in some common directory depending on the platform being used. Values persist until they are overwritten, and can be accessed by any program that loads the state with that name. State instances are exclusive (i.e., two programs or two instances of the same program cannot have the same State open at the same time).

Most of the builtin types, and any type that implements serde::Serialize/Deserialize may be passed into and read from State::set and State::get.


use nonvolatile::State;
use generic_error::*;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
	//create a new state instance with the name "foo"
	let mut state = State::load_else_create("foo")?;
	//set some variables in foo
	state.set("var", "some value")?;
	state.set("user_wants_pie", true)?;
	//destroy the state variable
	//create a new state instance
	let state = State::load_else_create("foo")?;
	//retrieve the previously set variable.
	assert_eq!(state.get::<bool>("user_wants_pie"), Some(true));
	assert_eq!(state.get::<String>("var").unwrap(), "some value");


By default, state for a given name will be stored in $HOME/.local/rust_nonvolatile/<name> for Linux and MacOS systems, and %appdata%\rust_nonvolatile\<name> for Windows systems. If $HOME or %appdata% are not defined in the program environment, then nonvolatile will fall back to /etc and C:\ProgramData for Linux/MacOS and Windows respectively.

If your environment is unreliable, or you have a location where you’d rather keep settings and configuration, the default storage location can be overridden using the *_from functions (new_from instead of new, load_from instead of load, load_else_create_from instead of load_else_create).

Be careful to be consistent with the storage location! If you use a state from one location during one instance of your program, and then use a state from a different location during the next, you will be left with two non-matching states with the same name in different places.

§Available State Functions

 pub fn set<T>               (&mut self, var: &str, value: T) -> Result<()>
 pub fn get<'de, T>          (&self, var: &str)               -> Option<T>
 pub fn has                  (&self, item: &str)              -> bool
 pub fn delete               (&mut self, name: &str)          -> Result<()>

 pub fn load_else_create     (name: &str)                     -> Result<State>
 pub fn load_else_create_from(name: &str, storage_path: &str) -> Result<State>
 pub fn new                  (name: &str)                     -> Result<State>
 pub fn new_from             (name: &str, storage_path: &str) -> Result<State>
 pub fn load                 (name: &str)                     -> Result<State>
 pub fn load_from            (name: &str, storage_path: &str) -> Result<State>
 pub fn destroy_state        (name: &str)
 pub fn destroy_state_from   (name: &str, storage_path: &str)
