Crate noncrypto_digests

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Implement digest::Digest trait for non-cryptographic hashing functions like fnv and xxhash. This allows users to use all cryptographic and non-cryptographic hashing functions polymorphically.


use digest::Digest;
use hex::ToHex;
use noncrypto_digests::{Fnv, Xxh3_64, Xxh3_128, Xxh32, Xxh64};

/// This function takes any Digest type, and returns a hex-encoded string.
pub fn hash<T: Digest>(data: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> String {
    // Note that some hashers provide seed value set to 0 by default.
    // Use `...::from_hasher(hasher)` function to instantiate them.
    let mut hasher = T::new();

assert_eq!(hash::<Fnv>("password"), "4B1A493507B3A318");
assert_eq!(hash::<Xxh3_64>("password"), "336576D7E0E06F9A");
assert_eq!(hash::<Xxh3_128>("password"), "9CFA9055952177DA0B120BE86072A8F0");
assert_eq!(hash::<Xxh32>("password"), "106C6CED");
assert_eq!(hash::<Xxh64>("password"), "90007DAF3980EF1F");


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  • On git push, it will run a few validations, including cargo fmt, cargo clippy, and cargo test. Use git push --no-verify to skip these checks.


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