Crate nokhwa

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A Simple-to-use, cross-platform Rust Webcam Capture Library

The raw backends can be found in backends

The Camera struct is what you will likely use.

The recommended default feature to enable is input-native. The library will not work without at least one input-* feature enabled.

Please read the for more.


pub use threaded::CallbackCamera;


Raw access to each of Nokhwa’s backends.
A camera that uses native browser APIs meant for WASM applications. This contains all the code for using webcams in the browser.
A camera that runs in a different thread and can call your code based on callbacks.


A buffer returned by a camera to accommodate custom decoding. Contains information of Resolution, the buffer’s FrameFormat, and the buffer.
The main Camera struct. This is the struct that abstracts over all the backends, providing a simplified interface for use.


All errors in nokhwa.


Trait that has methods to convert raw data from the webcam to a proper raw image.


Check the status if nokhwa True if the initialization is successful (ready-to-use)
Initialize nokhwa It is your responsibility to call this function before anything else, but only on MacOS.
Query the system for a list of available devices. Please refer to the API Backends that support Query)
Usually the order goes Native -> UVC -> Gstreamer.