Crate nodejs[][src]

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Embedding Node.js in Rust.

  • Queue tasks to the Node.js event loop thread-safely.
  • Interact with the Node.js runtime via Neon API.
  • Link with prebuilt Node.js binaries to save compile time.
  • Native modules are supported.


  1. Copy the .cargo folder in this repo to your cargo project to enable flags required to link Node.js properly.
  2. let channel = nodejs::channel() to get the global Node.js channel.
  3. Call channel.send to run tasks in the Node.js event queue.
  4. Inside the task, use nodejs::neon for interoperability between Node.js and Rust. Neon documentation


fn main() {
    let (tx, rx) = std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel::<String>(0);
    let channel = nodejs::channel();
    channel.send(move |mut cx| {
        use nodejs::neon::{context::Context, reflect::eval, types::JsString};
        let script = cx.string("require('http').STATUS_CODES[418]");
        let whoami = eval(&mut cx, script)?;
        let whoami = whoami.downcast_or_throw::<JsString, _>(&mut cx)?;
        tx.send(whoami.value(&mut cx)).unwrap();
    let whoami = rx.recv().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(whoami, "I'm a Teapot");


pub use neon;


Ensure the Node.js runtime is running and return the channel for queuing tasks into the Node.js event loop.