[][src]Module nifti::volume::streamed

Streamed interface of a NIfTI volume and implementation.

This API provides slice-by-slice reading of volumes, thus lowering memory requirements and better supporting the manipulation of large volumes.

Since volumes are physically persisted in column major order, each slice will cover the full range of the first axes of the volume and traverse the rightmost axes in each iteration. As an example, a 3D volume of dimensions [256, 256, 128], assuming 2D slices, will produce slices of dimensions [256, 256], starting at the slice [.., .., 0] and ending at the slice [.., .., 127].

Slices may also have an arbitrary rank (dimensionality), as long as it is smaller than the original volume's rank. A good default is the original volume shape minus 1 (R - 1).


Obtain a StreamedNiftiVolume, usually from loading a StreamedNiftiObject. When holding a streamed volume, one can use the Iterator API to iteratively fetch data from the byte source, making in-memory sub-volumes each time.

let volume: StreamedNiftiVolume<_> = get_volume();
for slice in volume {
    let slice: InMemNiftiVolume = slice?;
    // use slice

For additional efficiency, a streamed iterator method is provided, which enables the reuse of the same raw data vector for the slices.

let mut volume: StreamedNiftiVolume<_> = get_volume();

let mut buffer = Vec::new(); // or with the expected capacity
while let Some(slice) = volume.next_inline(buffer) {
    let slice: InMemNiftiVolume = slice?;
    // use slice, then recover raw data vector
    buffer = slice.into_raw_data();



A NIfTI-1 volume instance that is read slice by slice from a byte stream.