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niexpctrl_backend - NI Experiment Control and Streaming

niexpctrl_backend provides a seamless interface to control and stream experiments involving National Instruments (NI) devices. It extends the foundational functionalities of the nicompiler_backend crate to define interaction behavior with NI hardware, while maintaining an optimized and user-friendly interface for its users.

Core Functionalities:

  • NI Device Streaming and Control: With the experiment module, users can access a refined version of the Experiment struct from nicompiler_backend that incorporates NI-specific functionalities, enabling direct streaming to NI devices and their resets.

  • NI-DAQmx Specific Operations: The nidaqmx module offers a suite of functionalities that interfaces with the NI-DAQmx C library, translating Rust calls into NI-DAQmx specific tasks.

  • Utilities and Helpers: The utils module provides additional utilities and helper functions.

Integration with nicompiler_backend:

This crate is designed to be a natural extension of nicompiler_backend. The primary Experiment struct depends on, and extends its counterpart in nicompiler_backend, maintaining general experiment behaviors and additionally introducing methods specific to NI device management. Refer to nicompiler_backend for general implementations unrelated to NI streaming behavior.

Where to Start:

  • Experiment Design and Control: The experiment module provides implementation of how device tasks are concurrently streamed.

  • Device Management: The device module implements streaming and synchronization behavior.

  • NI-DAQmx Operations: The nidaqmx module provides Rust wrapper methods for calling the NI-DAQmx C library, translating functionalities for seamless NI device operations.

  • Utilities: For general utilities and helper functionalities, explore the utils module.

Example usage with streaming


Recall the same example snippet from nicompiler_backend.

We additionally call exp.stream_exp(50., 2); after the experiment has been designed and compiled to stream the experiment with a streaming buffer of 50ms, and two repetitions. Refer to StreamableDevice::stream_task for more detailed information on streaming behavior.

use niexpctrl_backend::*;
let mut exp = Experiment::new();
// Define devices and associated channels
exp.add_ao_device("PXI1Slot3", 1e6);
exp.add_ao_channel("PXI1Slot3", 0);

exp.add_ao_device("PXI1Slot4", 1e6);
exp.add_ao_channel("PXI1Slot4", 0);

exp.add_do_device("PXI1Slot6", 1e7);
exp.add_do_channel("PXI1Slot6", 0, 0);
exp.add_do_channel("PXI1Slot6", 0, 4);

// Define synchronization behavior:
exp.device_cfg_trig("PXI1Slot3", "PXI1_Trig0", true);
exp.device_cfg_ref_clk("PXI1Slot3", "PXI1_Trig7", 1e7, true);

exp.device_cfg_trig("PXI1Slot4", "PXI1_Trig0", false);
exp.device_cfg_ref_clk("PXI1Slot4", "PXI1_Trig7", 1e7, false);

exp.device_cfg_samp_clk_src("PXI1Slot6", "PXI1_Trig7");
exp.device_cfg_trig("PXI1Slot6", "PXI1_Trig0", false);

// PXI1Slot3/ao0 starts with a 1s-long 7Hz sine wave with offset 1
// and unit amplitude, zero phase. Does not keep its value.
exp.sine("PXI1Slot3", "ao0", 0., 1., false, 7., None, None, Some(1.));
// Ends with a half-second long 1V constant signal which returns to zero
exp.constant("PXI1Slot3", "ao0", 9., 0.5, 1., false);

// We can also leave a defined channel empty: the device / channel will simply not be compiled

// Both lines of PXI1Slot6 start with a one-second "high" at t=0 and a half-second high at t=9
exp.high("PXI1Slot6", "port0/line0", 0., 1.);
exp.high("PXI1Slot6", "port0/line0", 9., 0.5);
// Alternatively, we can also define the same behavior via go_high/go_low
exp.go_high("PXI1Slot6", "port0/line4", 0.);
exp.go_low("PXI1Slot6", "port0/line4", 1.);

exp.go_high("PXI1Slot6", "port0/line4", 9.);
exp.go_low("PXI1Slot6", "port0/line4", 9.5);

exp.compile_with_stoptime(10.); // Experiment signal will stop at t=10 now
assert_eq!(exp.compiled_stop_time(), 10.);

exp.stream_exp(50., 2);


Functionally the same code, additionally samples and plots the signal for PXI1Slot6/port0/line4. The primary goal of the Experiment object is to expose a complete set of fast rust-implemented methods for interfacing with a NI experiment. One may easily customize syntactic sugar and higher-level abstractions by wrapping nicompiler_backend module in another layer of python code, see our project page for one such example.

from nicompiler_backend import Experiment
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

exp = Experiment()
exp.add_ao_device(name="PXI1Slot3", samp_rate=1e6)
exp.add_ao_channel(name="PXI1Slot3", channel_id=0)


exp.device_cfg_trig(name="PXI1Slot3", trig_line="PXI1_Trig0", export_trig=True)
exp.device_cfg_ref_clk(name="PXI1Slot3", ref_clk_line="PXI1_Trig7",
                       ref_clk_rate=1e7, export_ref_clk=True)

exp.sine(dev_name="PXI1Slot3", chan_name="ao0", t=0., duration=1., keep_val=False,
         freq=7., dc_offset=1.)

exp.stream_exp(50., 2)




  • A macro to generate boilerplate implementations for structs representing experiments.


  • Represents a physical channel on an NI device.
  • Represents a National Instruments (NI) device.
  • Manages an instruction along with its associated metadata during experiment editing.
  • Struct for a general instruction, consisting of type and arguments.
  • A utility class for time-tracking.


  • Enum type for different instructions. Supported instructions: CONST, SINE
  • Enum type for NI tasks. Channels are associated with a unique task type, which affects their behavior. Currently supported types: AO (analogue output), DO (digital output)


  • The BaseChannel trait defines the core methods required for a channel’s interaction with NI devices. It encapsulates both editing and compilation behaviors of a channel.
  • The BaseDevice trait defines the fundamental operations and attributes of a National Instruments (NI) device.
  • This trait defines the behavior of the Experiment struct through default trait implementations.


Type Aliases

  • Type alias for instruction arguments: a dictionary with key-value pairs of string (argument name) and float (value)