Expand description

The NI Fpga Interface Builder is used to generate a Rust module with the definition of the interface of a given FPGA bitfile.

This depends on the NI Fpga Interface crate and generates the definitions that it can use.


use ni_fpga_interface_build::FpgaCInterface;


This will generate a file in the output directory with the name NiFpga_Main.rs.

This will contain a module with the definitions of registers and DMA FIFOs.

Example Output

pub const SIGNATURE: &str = "A0613989B20F45FC6E79EB71383493E8";

pub mod registers {
    use ni_fpga_interface::registers::{ArrayRegister, Register};
    pub const SglSumArray: ArrayRegister<f32, 4> = ArrayRegister::new(0x1801C);
    pub const U8ControlArray: ArrayRegister<u8, 4> = ArrayRegister::new(0x18014);
    pub const U8SumArray: ArrayRegister<u8, 4> = ArrayRegister::new(0x18010);
    pub const SglControl: Register<f32> = Register::new(0x1802C);
    pub const U8Sum: Register<u8> = Register::new(0x18006);
    pub const U8Control: Register<u8> = Register::new(0x18002);
    pub const SglSum: Register<f32> = Register::new(0x18028);
    pub const SglResult: Register<f32> = Register::new(0x18024);
    pub const SglResultArray: ArrayRegister<f32, 4> = ArrayRegister::new(0x18018);
    pub const IRQs: Register<u32> = Register::new(0x18060);
    pub const U8Result: Register<u8> = Register::new(0x1800A);
    pub const U8ResultArray: ArrayRegister<u8, 4> = ArrayRegister::new(0x1800C);
    pub const SglControlArray: ArrayRegister<f32, 4> = ArrayRegister::new(0x18020);

pub mod fifos {
    use ni_fpga_interface::fifos::{ReadFifo, WriteFifo};
    pub const NumbersFromFPGA: ReadFifo<u16> = ReadFifo::new(0x1);
    pub const NumbersToFPGA: WriteFifo<u32> = WriteFifo::new(0x0);

To then use this in your system you can import it into a module.

mod fpga_defs {
   include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/NiFpga_Main.rs"));
