Crate nftables_json

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Serde JSON model for interacting with the nftables nft executable

Provides Rust types that map directly to the nftables JSON object model, allowing serialization and deserialization of input and output from the nft --json command using Serde and serde_json.


Creating commands that can be piped into nft --json --file -

use nftables_json::{command::*, expression::*, statement::*};

let mut commands = Commands::default();
    // flush rulesets for all families
    // create a new table called "default"
    Command::Add(Add::Table(AddTable {
        family: "inet".into(),
        name: "default".into(),
    // attach a chain to the "default" table called "input"
    Command::Add(Add::Chain(AddChain {
        family: "inet".into(),
        table: "default".into(),
        name: "input".into(),
        r#type: Some("filter".into()),
        hook: Some("input".into()),
        prio: Some(0),
        policy: Some("accept".into()),
    Command::Add(Add::Rule(AddRule {
        // attach a rule to the "input" chain in the "default" table that drops udp sport 53
        family: "inet".into(),
        table: "default".into(),
        chain: "input".into(),
        expr: Some(vec![
            Statement::Match(Match {
                left: Expression::Payload {
                    payload: Payload::Named { protocol: "udp".into(), field: "sport".into() },
                right: Expression::Immediate(Immediate::Number(53)).into(),
                op: "==".into(),

// not shown: how to invoke `nft` from Rust and pipe json to stdin
println!("{}", commands.to_string().unwrap());



Parsing a ruleset produced by printf '{"nftables":[{"list":{"ruleset":null}}]}' | nft --json --file -

use nftables_json::{object::*, expression::*, statement::*};

// not shown: how to invoke `nft` from Rust and collect stdout
let output_str = r#"

let objects = Objects::from_str(output_str).unwrap();

for object in objects.iter() {
    match object {
        Object::Metainfo(Metainfo { json_schema_version, .. }) => {
            eprintln!("[metainfo] schema version {json_schema_version}");
        Object::Table(Table { family, name, .. }) => {
            eprintln!("[table] {family} {name}");
        Object::Chain(Chain { family, table, name, hook: Some(hook), .. }) => {
            eprintln!("[chain] {family} {table} {name} hook {hook}");
        Object::Rule(Rule { family, table, chain, .. }) => {
            eprintln!("[rule] {family} {table} {chain}");
        _ => {}

schema version 1
table family inet name default
chain family inet table default name input hook input
rule family inet table default chain input
chain family inet table default name output hook output


Provides types related to inputting commands to nft --json
Provides types related to specifying a rule’s match criteria
Provides types related to parsing output from nft --json
Provides types related to specifying a rule’s construction