Crate nextsv

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§Calculate next semantic bump and/or version number

Calculates the next semantic bump and/or version number based on the current version number and the conventional commits made since the last version has been released.


Add the dependency to Cargo.toml

nextsv = "0.8.5"

Calculation workflow:

  1. Create the configuration
  2. Build the calculator
  3. Report the calculation

Report the results from the calculator

    // arguments collected from CLI
    let args = Args {
        prefix: String::from("v"),
        level: true,
        number: true,
        force: None,
        require: vec![OsString::from(""), OsString::from(""), ],
        enforce_level: Hierarchy::Feature,
        check: None,

    // 1. Create the configuration

    let mut calculator_config = CalculatorConfig::new();

    // Set the version number prefix
    calculator_config = calculator_config.set_prefix(&args.prefix);

    // What do we want to output?    
    calculator_config = calculator_config.set_bump_report(args.level);
    calculator_config = calculator_config.set_version_report(args.number);

    // Is the bump level being forced?
    if let Some(force) = args.force {
        calculator_config = calculator_config.set_force_bump(force);

    // Are there files that must be updated? What change level should they be enforced at?
    if !args.require.is_empty() {
        calculator_config = calculator_config.add_required_files(args.require);
        calculator_config = calculator_config.set_required_enforcement(args.enforce_level);

    // Is three a threshold set that must be met before proceeding with a change?
    if let Some(check_level) = args.check {
        calculator_config = calculator_config.set_reporting_threshold(check_level);

    // 2. Build the calculator
    // Apply the config and create a calculator
    let calculator =;
    // 3. Report the calculations


  • Used to calculate the bump and next version number.
  • Captures the user configuration set for the bump and version number calculation


  • The error type for nextsv.
  • This enum is used by CalculatorConfig::set_force_bump to override the bump that would be calculated from conventional commits.
  • The Hierarchy enum provides a hieracchy for commit types that maps to the levels of Major, Minor and Patch levels of semver. The top level is for breaking commits and would be mapped to a Major version change for a new production release.