Crate netcdf3

Expand description


A pure Rust library for reading and writing NetCDF-3 files.


  • Define the NetCDF-3 using the struct Dataset :
    • Define (create, get, rename and remove) global atributes (examples here);
    • Define (create, get, rename and remove) dimensions (examples here);
    • Define (create, get, rename and remove) variables (examples here);
    • Define (create, get, rename and remove) variable attributes (examples here);
  • Read the NetCDF-3 files using the struct FileReader.
  • Write the NetCDF-3 files using the struct FileWriter.


  • If the number of records numrecs is greater than std::i32::MAX then this value is considered as indeterminate and the actually written value is numrecs = 2^32 - 1(see the File Format Specifications).
  • If the chunk size of a given variable vsize is greater the std::i32::MAX then its value is considered as indeterminate and the actually written value is vsize = 2^32 - 1 (see the File Format Specifications).
  • To validate the implementation of the NetCDF-3 files writing, binary comparisons between the crate outcomes and files produced by the Python library netCDF4 are done while the test suite (see the Python script pyscripts/ and the Rust test file tests/

§Known limitations

  • Cannot read/write a subset of a variable data yet.
  • Cannot rewrite a NetCDF-3 file.




  • NetCDF-3 attribute
  • Allows to define the NetCDF-3 data sets
  • NetCDF-3 dimension
  • Allows to read NetCDF-3 files (the classic and the 64-bit offset versions).
  • Allows to write NetCDF-3 files (the classic and the 64-bit offset versions).
  • NetCDF-3 variable


  • All the data types supported by the NetCDF-3 format
  • Wraps the six NetCDF-3 data types.
  • Type of a dimension, fixed or unlimited size
  • NetCDF-3 file versions (classic or 64-bit offset)


  • Default fill value for the f32 elements (same value as NC_FILL_FLOAT defined in the header file netcdf.h)
  • Default fill value for the f64 elements (same value as NC_FILL_DOUBLE defined in the header file netcdf.h)
  • Default fill value for the i8 elements (same value as NC_FILL_BYTE defined in the header file netcdf.h)
  • Default fill value for the i16 elements (same value as NC_FILL_SHORT defined in the header file netcdf.h)
  • Default fill value for the i32 elements (same value as NC_FILL_INT defined in the header file netcdf.h)
  • Default fill value for the u8 elements (same value as NC_FILL_CHAR defined in the header file netcdf.h)
  • Maximum length of the fixed-size dimensions
  • Maximum size (number of bytes) allowed for the NetCDF names.
  • Maximum number of dimensions per variable


  • Checks that name follows the NetCDF-3 naming convention.