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Macros for near-sdk-contract-tools

Attribute Macros

Smart #[event] macro

Derive Macros

Implements NEP-141 and NEP-148 functionality, like #[derive(Nep141, Nep148)].
Migrate a contract’s default struct from one schema to another.
Adds NEP-141 fungible token core functionality to a contract. Exposes ft_* functions to the public blockchain, implements internal controller and receiver functionality (see: near_sdk_contract_tools::standard::nep141).
Adds NEP-148 fungible token metadata functionality to a contract. Metadata is hardcoded into the contract code, and is therefore not stored in storage.
Use on a struct to emit NEP-297 event strings.
Creates a managed, lazily-loaded Owner implementation for the targeted #[near_bindgen] struct.
Makes a contract pausable. Provides an implementation of the Pause trait.
Adds role-based access control. No external methods are exposed.
Create a simple multisig component. Does not expose any functions to the blockchain. Creates implementations for ApprovalManager and AccountApprover for the target contract struct.
Create an upgrade component. Does not expose any functions to the blockchain.