    // Attributes available to this derive:
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Create an upgrade component. Does not expose any functions to the blockchain.

Fields may be specified in the #[upgrade(...)] attribute.

Fields include:

  • hook - If included, provides an implementation of UpgradeHook. An implementation must be explicity provided otherwise. Options include:
    • "none" - Empty upgrade hook.
    • "owner" - The upgrade function may only be called by the owner of the contract as specified by an Owner implementation.
    • "role(r)" - The upgrade function may only be called by an account that has been assigned the role r as determined by an Rbac implementation.
  • serializer - "borsh" or "jsonbase64" (default). Indicates the serialization format of code the upgrade function will accept.
  • migrate_method_name - The name of the method to call after the upgrade. Default "migrate".
  • migrate_method_args - The input to send to the migrate function. Default empty vector.
  • migrate_minimum_gas - How much gas to guarantee the migrate function, otherwise reject. Default 15T.