Type Definition ndarray::IxDyn [] [src]

type IxDyn = Dim<Vec<Ix>>;


Vec<Ix> and &[usize] implement IntoDimension to produce IxDyn; use them to create arrays with a dynamic number of axes.

use ndarray::ArrayD;

// Create a 5 × 6 × 3 × 4 array using the dynamic dimension type
let mut a = ArrayD::<f64>::zeros(vec![5, 6, 3, 4]);
// Create a 1 × 3 × 4 array using the dynamic dimension type
let mut b = ArrayD::<f64>::zeros(vec![1, 3, 4]);

// We can use broadcasting to add arrays of compatible shapes together:
a += &b;

// We can index into a, b using fixed size arrays:
a[[0, 0, 0, 0]] = 0.;
b[[0, 2, 3]] = a[[0, 0, 2, 3]];

// Note: It will panic at runtime if the number of indices given does
// not match the array.

// We can keep them in the same vector because both the arrays have
// the same type `Array<f64, IxDyn>` a.k.a `ArrayD<f64>`:
let arrays = vec![a, b];