Function ndarray_npy::write_zeroed_npy[][src]

pub fn write_zeroed_npy<A, D>(
    file: &File,
    shape: D
) -> Result<(), WriteNpyError> where
    A: WritableElement,
    D: IntoDimension
Expand description

Writes an .npy file (sparse if possible) with bitwise-zero-filled data.

The .npy file represents an array with element type A and shape specified by shape, with all elements of the array represented by an all-zero byte-pattern. The file is written starting at the current cursor location and truncated such that there are no additional bytes after the .npy data.

This function is primarily useful for creating an .npy file for an array larger than available memory. The file can then be memory-mapped and modified using ViewMutNpyExt.


May panic if any of the following overflow isize or u64:

  • the number of elements in the array
  • the size of the array in bytes
  • the size of the resulting file in bytes


Data is zeroed bytes

The data consists of all zeroed bytes, so this function is useful only for element types for which an all-zero byte-pattern is a valid representation.

Sparse file

On filesystems which support sparse files, most of the data should be handled by empty blocks, i.e. not allocated on disk. If you plan to memory-map the file to modify it and know that most blocks of the file will ultimately contain some nonzero data, then it may be beneficial to allocate space for the file on disk before modifying it in order to avoid fragmentation. For example, on POSIX-like systems, you can do this by calling fallocate on the file.


If all you want to do is create an array larger than the available memory and don’t care about actually writing the data to disk, it may be worth considering alternative options:

  • Add more swap space to your system, using swap file(s) if necessary, so that you can allocate the array as normal.

  • If you know the data will be sparse:

    • Use a sparse data structure instead of ndarray’s array types. For example, the sprs crate provides sparse matrices.

    • Rely on memory overcommitment. In other words, configure the operating system to allocate more memory than actually exists. However, this risks the system running out of memory if the data is not as sparse as you expect.


In this example, a file containing 64 GiB of zeroed f64 elements is created. Then, an ArrayViewMut is created by memory-mapping the file. Modifications to the data in the ArrayViewMut will be applied to the backing file. This works even on systems with less than 64 GiB of physical memory. On filesystems which support sparse files, the disk space that’s actually used depends on how much data is modified.

use memmap2::MmapMut;
use ndarray::ArrayViewMut3;
use ndarray_npy::{write_zeroed_npy, ViewMutNpyExt};
use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions};

let path = "array.npy";

// Create a (sparse if supported) file containing 64 GiB of zeroed data.
let file = File::create(path)?;
write_zeroed_npy::<f64, _>(&file, (1024, 2048, 4096))?;

// Memory-map the file and create the mutable view.
let file = OpenOptions::new().read(true).write(true).open(path)?;
let mut mmap = unsafe { MmapMut::map_mut(&file)? };
let mut view_mut = ArrayViewMut3::<f64>::view_mut_npy(&mut mmap)?;

// Modify an element in the view.
view_mut[[500, 1000, 2000]] = 3.14;