Crate nats

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A Rust client for the ecosystem.

This is the old legacy client. It will not get new features or updates beyond critical security fixes. Use async-nats instead.

git clone is a simple, secure and high performance open source messaging system for cloud native applications, IoT messaging, and microservices architectures.

For async API refer to the asynk module.

For more information see


> cargo run --example nats-box -- -h

Basic connections, and those with options. The compiler will force these to be correct.

let nc = nats::connect("")?;

let nc2 = nats::Options::with_user_pass("derek", "s3cr3t!")
    .with_name("My Rust NATS App")

let nc3 = nats::Options::with_credentials("path/to/my.creds").connect("")?;

let nc4 = nats::Options::new()


let nc = nats::connect("")?;
nc.publish("my.subject", "Hello World!")?;

nc.publish("my.subject", "my message")?;

// Publish a request manually.
let reply = nc.new_inbox();
let rsub = nc.subscribe(&reply)?;
nc.publish_request("my.subject", &reply, "Help me!")?;


let nc = nats::connect("")?;
let sub = nc.subscribe("foo")?;
for msg in sub.messages() {}

// Using next.
if let Some(msg) = {}

// Other iterators.
for msg in sub.try_iter() {}
for msg in sub.timeout_iter(Duration::from_secs(10)) {}

// Using a threaded handler.
let sub = nc.subscribe("bar")?.with_handler(move |msg| {
    println!("Received {}", &msg);

// Queue subscription.
let qsub = nc.queue_subscribe("foo", "my_group")?;


let nc = nats::connect("")?;
let resp = nc.request("foo", "Help me?")?;

// With a timeout.
let resp = nc.request_timeout("foo", "Help me?", Duration::from_secs(2))?;

// With multiple responses.
for msg in nc.request_multi("foo", "Help")?.iter() {}

// Publish a request manually.
let reply = nc.new_inbox();
let rsub = nc.subscribe(&reply)?;
nc.publish_request("foo", &reply, "Help me!")?;
let response = rsub.iter().take(1);



  • Async-enabled NATS client. An async Rust client for the ecosystem.
  • Header constants and types.
  • JetStream stream management and consumers. Support for the JetStream at-least-once messaging system.
  • kvunstable
    Support for Key Value Store. This feature is experimental and the API may change.
  • object_storeunstable
    Support for Object Store. This feature is experimental and the API may change.


  • A NATS connection.
  • A Handler may be used to unsubscribe a handler thread.
  • A message received on a subject.
  • Connect options.
  • Address of a NATS server.
  • Information sent by the server back to this client during initial connection, and possibly again later.
  • A Subscription receives Messages published to specific NATS Subjects.


  • Capability to convert into a list of NATS server addresses.


  • Connect to one or more NATS servers at the given URLs.