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Data serialization library with zero dependencies. No more syn/proc_macro2/quote in the build tree!

nanoserde also almost do not use any generics, so build size is not going to be bloated with monomorphizated code.

The main difference with “serde” and the reason why “nanoserde” is possible: there is no intermediate data model For each serialisation datatype there is a special macro.

Derive macros available: DeJson, SerJson, DeBin, SerBin, DeRon, SerRon

nanoserde supports some serialization customisation with #[nserde()] attributes. For #[nserde(..)] supported attributes for each format check Features support matrix


The error message when failing to deserialize from raw bytes.

The error message when failing to deserialize a JSON string.

The internal state of a JSON deserialization.

The error message when failing to deserialize a RON string.

The internal state of a RON deserialization.

The internal state of a JSON serialization.

The internal state of a RON serialization.

The error message when failing to parse a TOML string.

A parser for TOML string values.


A JSON parsed token.

A RON parsed token.

A TOML value.

A TOML parsed token.


A trait for objects that can be deserialized from binary.

A trait for objects that can be deserialized from JSON.

A trait for objects that can be deserialized from the RON file format.

A trait for objects that can be serialized to binary.

A trait for objects that can be serialized to JSON.

A trait for objects that can be serialized to the RON file format.

Derive Macros