Module nannou_conrod::prelude[][src]

Expand description

Simplify inclusion of common traits with a nannou::ui::prelude module.


pub use super::Ui;


A library providing simple Color and Gradient types along with useful transformations and presets.

A type used to manage a user’s image data and map them to Image widgets:

Items related to 2D positioning, used throughout conrod.

Text layout logic.

Widgets are the core building blocks for every conrod user interface.


A macro used to generate a struct with a field for each unique identifier given. Each field can then be used to generate unique widget::Ids.


Some start and end position along a single axis.

Defines a Rectangle’s bounds across the x and y axes.

A serializable collection of canvas and widget styling defaults.

A wrapper around the Ui that restricts the user from mutating the Ui in certain ways while in the scope of the Ui::set_widgets function and within Widgets’ update methods. Using the UiCell, users may access the Ui immutably (via Deref) however they wish, however they may only mutate the Ui via the &mut self methods provided by the UiCell.


To be used as a parameter for defining the aesthetic of the widget border.

The event type that is used by conrod to track inputs from the world. Events yielded by polling window backends should be converted to this type. This can be thought of as the event type which is supplied by the window backend to drive the state of the Ui forward.


Widgets that may display a border.

Types that can be colored.

Widgets that may display some label.

Widgets that are positionable.

Widgets that support different dimensions.

A trait to be implemented by all Widget types.

Type Definitions

General use 2D spatial dimensions.

Font size used throughout Conrod.

General use 2D spatial point.

An alias over the Scalar type used throughout Conrod.