Type Definition nannou::geom::point::Point3[][src]

type Point3<S = Default> = Vector3<S>;

A 3-dimensional point type.

Trait Implementations

impl<S> From<Point3<S>> for LookAt<S>

Performs the conversion.

impl<S> Transform<Point3<S>> for Transform<S> where
    S: BaseFloat

Create an identity transformation. That is, a transformation which does nothing. Read more

Create a transformation that rotates a vector to look at center from eye, using up for orientation. Read more

Transform a vector using this transform.

Inverse transform a vector using this transform

Transform a point using this transform.

Combine this transform with another, yielding a new transformation which has the effects of both. Read more

Create a transform that "un-does" this one.

Combine this transform with another, in-place.

impl<S> ApplyTransform<S> for Point3<S> where
    S: BaseFloat

Apply the given transform and return the result.

impl<S> Vertex for Point3<S> where
    S: BaseNum

The values used to describe the vertex position.

impl<S> Vertex2d for Point3<S> where
    S: BaseNum

The x, y location of the vertex.

impl<S> Vertex3d for Point3<S> where
    S: BaseNum

The x, y, z location of the vertex.