Type Definition nalgebra::geometry::Rotation2

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pub type Rotation2<N> = Rotation<N, U2>;
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A 2-dimensional rotation matrix.


Builds a 2 dimensional rotation matrix from an angle in radian.

let rot = Rotation2::new(f32::consts::FRAC_PI_2);

assert_relative_eq!(rot * Point2::new(3.0, 4.0), Point2::new(-4.0, 3.0));

Builds a 2 dimensional rotation matrix from an angle in radian wrapped in a 1-dimensional vector.

This is generally used in the context of generic programming. Using the ::new(angle) method instead is more common.

The rotation matrix required to align a and b but with its angle.

This is the rotation R such that (R * a).angle(b) == 0 && (R * a).dot(b).is_positive().

let a = Vector2::new(1.0, 2.0);
let b = Vector2::new(2.0, 1.0);
let rot = Rotation2::rotation_between(&a, &b);
assert_relative_eq!(rot * a, b);
assert_relative_eq!(rot.inverse() * b, a);

The smallest rotation needed to make a and b collinear and point toward the same direction, raised to the power s.

let a = Vector2::new(1.0, 2.0);
let b = Vector2::new(2.0, 1.0);
let rot2 = Rotation2::scaled_rotation_between(&a, &b, 0.2);
let rot5 = Rotation2::scaled_rotation_between(&a, &b, 0.5);
assert_relative_eq!(rot2 * rot2 * rot2 * rot2 * rot2 * a, b, epsilon = 1.0e-6);
assert_relative_eq!(rot5 * rot5 * a, b, epsilon = 1.0e-6);

The rotation angle.

let rot = Rotation2::new(1.78);
assert_eq!(rot.angle(), 1.78);

The rotation angle needed to make self and other coincide.

let rot1 = Rotation2::new(0.1);
let rot2 = Rotation2::new(1.7);
assert_relative_eq!(rot1.angle_to(&rot2), 1.6);

The rotation matrix needed to make self and other coincide.

The result is such that: self.rotation_to(other) * self == other.

let rot1 = Rotation2::new(0.1);
let rot2 = Rotation2::new(1.7);
let rot_to = rot1.rotation_to(&rot2);

assert_relative_eq!(rot_to * rot1, rot2);
assert_relative_eq!(rot_to.inverse() * rot2, rot1);

Raise the quaternion to a given floating power, i.e., returns the rotation with the angle of self multiplied by n.

let rot = Rotation2::new(0.78);
let pow = rot.powf(2.0);
assert_eq!(pow.angle(), 2.0 * 0.78);

The rotation angle returned as a 1-dimensional vector.

This is generally used in the context of generic programming. Using the .angle() method instead is more common.

Trait Implementations§

The inclusion map: converts self to the equivalent element of its superset.
Checks if element is actually part of the subset Self (and can be converted to it).
Use with care! Same as self.to_superset but without any property checks. Always succeeds.
The inverse inclusion map: attempts to construct self from the equivalent element of its superset. Read more