Crate nakadion[][src]

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A client for the Nakadi Event Broker.


Nakadion is client that connects to the Nakadi Subscription API. It does all the cursor management so that users can concentrate on implementing their logic for processing events. The code implemented to process events by a user does not get in touch with the internals of Nakadi.

Nakadion is almost completely configurable from environment variables.

Please have a look at the documentation of Nakadi first to become comfortable with the concepts of Nakadi.

Currently Nakadion only works with the tokio runtime. Further execution environments might be added in the future.

How to use

To run this example the following environment variables need to be set:

use nakadion::api::ApiClient;
use nakadion::consumer::*;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let client = ApiClient::default_builder().finish_from_env()?;

    let consumer = Consumer::builder_from_env()?.build_with(

    let (_handle, consuming) = consumer.start();

    let _ = consuming.await.into_result()?;


mod handler {
    use futures::future::{BoxFuture, FutureExt};

    use nakadion::handler::*;

    pub struct MyHandler {
        events_received: usize,

    impl EventsHandler for MyHandler {
        type Event = serde_json::Value;
        fn handle<'a>(
            &'a mut self,
            events: Vec<Self::Event>,
            _meta: BatchMeta<'a>,
        ) -> EventsHandlerFuture {
            async move {
                self.events_received += events.len();

    pub struct MyHandlerFactory;

    impl BatchHandlerFactory for MyHandlerFactory {
        fn handler(
            _assignment: &HandlerAssignment,
        ) -> BoxFuture<Result<Box<dyn BatchHandler>, Error>> {
            async { Ok(Box::new(MyHandler { events_received: 0 }) as Box<_>) }.boxed()

How Nakadion works

Load balancing

A started instance connects to the Nakadi Event Broker with one active connection. Due to Nakadi`s capability of automatically distributing partitions among clients Nakadion does not need to track concurrently consuming clients. In most use cases it does not make any sense to have more clients running than the number partitions assigned to an event type.

Consuming events

Nakadi delivers events in batches. Each batch contains the events of a single partition along with a cursor that is used for reporting progress to Nakadi.

To consume events with Nakadion one has to implement a BatchHandler. This BatchHandler provides the processing logic and is passed the bytes containing the events of a batch.

Nakadion itself does not do any deserialization of events. The BatchHandler is responsible for deserializing events. Nevertheless there is a EventsHandler for convenience that does the deserialization of events using serde.

When Nakadion receives a batch it just extract the necessary data from the bytes received over the network and then delegates the batch to a dispatcher which spawns workers that are then passed the batch. This means Nakadion itself does not have any knowledge of the events contained in a batch.

Buffering batches and maximizing throughput

Nakadion has an unbounded buffer for events. When looking at how Nakadi works it turns out that a bounded buffer is not necessary.

Nakadi has a timeout for committing the cursors of batches. This default timeout is 60 seconds. Furthermore Nakadi has a configuration parameter called max_uncommitted_events. With this parameter which can be configured for Nakadion one can steer how many events can be at most in Nakadions buffers. In conjunction with a CommitStrategy one can optimize for maximum throughput and keep the amount of buffered events under control.


Nakadion does verbose logging when connecting to a stream and when a stream is closed. The reason is that this information can be quite important when problems arise. A reconnect happens roughly every full hour unless configured otherwise on Nakadi’s side.

Nakadion also logs a message each time a new worker is created and each time a worker is shut down.

Otherwise Nakadion mostly only logs problems and errors. In the end your log files will not be flooded with messages from Nakadion.


Nakadion provides an interface for attaching metrics libraries. Metrics are especially useful when optimizing for maximum throughput since one can see what effect (especially on cursors) the different possible settings have.


Nakadion is not meant to be used in a high performance scenario. It uses asynchronous IO. Nevertheless it is easily possible to consume tens of thousands events per second depending on the complexity of your processing logic.

Documentation and Environment Variables

Within the documentation environment variables can contain spaces and line breaks. This is because part of the documentation was created using macros. The names of the variables of cause must not contain these characters. So be careful when copy & pasting.

Recent Changes



Nakadion is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).


License: Apache-2.0/MIT


pub use nakadi_types;


Direct interaction with Nakadi through its REST API

OAUTH authorization for connecting to Nakadi

Components to directly interact with Nakadi

A consumer for a subscription

Kit for creating a a handler for batches of events

Types for implementing custom instrumentation

Publish events to Nakadi