Module mysql_common::packets

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Extra auth-data beyond the initial challenge.
Authentication Method Switch Request Packet.
Represents MySql Column (column packet).
Represents MySql’s initial handshake packet.
Represents MySql’s local infile packet.
Represents MySql’s Ok packet.
Incremental packet parser.
Progress report information (may be in an error packet of MariaDB server).
Raw mysql packet
Represents change in session state (part of MySql’s Ok packet).
Represents MySql’s statement packet.


Authentication plugin
MySql error packet.
Represents parsed change in session state (part of MySql’s Ok packet).


Converts column-packet payload to an instance of Column structure.
Parses payload as an auth more data packet.
Parses payload as an auth switch request packet.
Parses error packet from payload assuming passed client-server capabilities.
Parses payload as an initial handshake packet.
Will parse payload as a local infile packet.
Parses Ok packet from payload assuming passed client-server capabilities.
Parses payload as a statement packet.