Expand description

Parser for the MySQL binary log format.


  • Targets Percona and Oracle MySQL 5.6 and 5.7. Has not been tested with MariaDB, MySQL 8.0, or older versions of MySQL
  • Like all 5.6/5.7 MySQL implementations, UNSIGNED BIGINT cannot safely represent numbers between 2^63 and 2^64 because i64 is used internally for all integral data types


A simple command line event parser and printer

for event in mysql_binlog::parse_file("bin-log.000001").unwrap() {
  println!("{:?}", event.unwrap());



A binlog event as returned by EventIterator. Filters out internal events like the TableMapEvent and simplifies mapping GTIDs to individual events.

Builder to configure Binary Log reading

Iterator over BinlogEvents

Global Transaction ID


parse all events in the file living at a given path

Parse events from an object implementing the std::io::Read trait