

Used to simulate enumerations to improve code maintainability. this is return &str data for example: let name=field_name!(; rb.new_wrapper().eq(field_name!(,“1”)

will create pub fn field_name()->&str method for example: #[crud_table] #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct BizActivity { pub id: Option, pub name: Option, pub delete_flag: Option, } impl_field_name_method!(BizActivity{id,name,delete_flag});

mybatis_sql/py_sql impled

Simplifies table construction by relying on the Default trait

Gets the HashMap collection of member attributes of the target Vec vec_ref: vec reference,field_name: the field name of the structure

Gets the HashMap collection of member attributes of the target Vec vec_ref: vec reference,field_name: the field name of the structure

take the target Vec member attribute Vec collection vec_ref: a reference to vec, field_name: the field name of the structure