macro_rules! get_required_fits_key {
    ($fptr:expr, $hdu:expr, $keyword:expr) => { ... };
Expand description

Given a FITS file pointer, a HDU that belongs to it, and a keyword, pull out the value of the keyword, parsing it into the desired type.


  • fits_fptr - A reference to the FITSFile object.

  • hdu - A reference to the HDU you want to find keyword in the header of.

  • keyword - String containing the keyword to read.


  • A Result containing the value read or an error.


let metafits = "test_files/1101503312_1_timestep/1101503312.metafits";
let mut fptr = fits_open!(&metafits)?;
let hdu = fits_open_hdu!(&mut fptr, 0)?;
let freq_centre: f64 = get_required_fits_key!(&mut fptr, &hdu, "FREQCENT")?;
assert_eq!(freq_centre, 154.24);