Crate cbindgen

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  • A style of braces to use for generating code.
  • How much of the documentation to include in the header file.
  • How the comments containing documentation should be styled.
  • Different item types that we can generate and filter.
  • A language type to generate bindings for.
  • A type of layout to use when generating long lines of code.
  • Controls what type of line endings are used in the generated code.
  • Controls which Cargo profile is used for macro expansion.
  • A rule to apply to an identifier when generating bindings.
  • Type which specifies the sort order of functions
  • A style of Style to use when generating structs and enums.



  • A utility function for build scripts to generate bindings for a crate, using a cbindgen.toml if it exists.
  • A utility function for build scripts to generate bindings for a crate with a custom config.