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Useful constants.


cotter’s MWA altitude in metres. Use MWA_HEIGHT_M unless you know what you’re doing.

cotter’s MWA latitude on Earth in radians. Use MWA_LAT_RAD unless you know what you’re doing.

cotter’s MWA longitude on Earth in radians. Use MWA_LONG_RAD unless you know what you’re doing.

Seconds per day (86400)

Hour angle to radians (15 / 180 * PI).

Seconds of time to radians (7.272205216643039903848712e-5).

This is the number of seconds from 1900 Jan 1 and 1980 Jan 5. The GPS epoch is 1980 Jan 5, but hifitime uses 1900 for everything; subtracting this number from the result of hifitime::Epoch::as_gpst_seconds gives the expected GPS time.

The number of seconds between 1858-11-17T00:00:00 (MJD epoch, used by casacore) and 1900-01-01T00:00:00 (TAI epoch) is 1297728000. I’m using the TAI epoch because that’s well supported by hifitime, and hifitime converts an epoch to many formats including JD, and accounts for leap seconds.

MWA height (a.k.a. altitude) [metres]

MWA latitude [degrees]

MWA latitude [radians]

MWA latitude [degrees]

MWA longitude [radians]

Ratio of a solar day to a sidereal day (24/23.9344696 = 1.002737909).

Speed of light [metres/second]