Trait mut_str::StrExt

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pub trait StrExt {
    type Output: ?Sized;
    type Iter<'a>: Iterator<Item = &'a Char>
       where Self: 'a;
    type IterMut<'a>: Iterator<Item = &'a mut Char>
       where Self: 'a;

Show 16 methods // Required methods fn get_char(&self, i: usize) -> Option<&Char>; fn get_char_mut(&mut self, i: usize) -> Option<&mut Char>; fn char_slice<R: RangeBounds<usize>>( &self, range: R ) -> Option<&Self::Output>; fn char_slice_mut<R: RangeBounds<usize>>( &mut self, range: R ) -> Option<&mut Self::Output>; fn char_split_at( &self, mid: usize ) -> Option<(&Self::Output, &Self::Output)>; fn char_split_at_mut( &mut self, mid: usize ) -> Option<(&mut Self::Output, &mut Self::Output)>; fn ref_iter(&self) -> Self::Iter<'_>; fn mut_iter(&mut self) -> Self::IterMut<'_>; fn copy_to<'a>(&self, buffer: &'a mut [u8]) -> Option<&'a mut Self::Output>; fn replace_with<'a>( &'a mut self, r: &str ) -> Result<&'a mut str, LenNotEqual>; fn replace_with_pad_space<'a>( &'a mut self, r: &str ) -> Result<&'a mut str, ReplacementTooLong>; fn replace_with_pad<'a>( &'a mut self, r: &str, pad: u8 ) -> Result<&'a mut str, ReplaceWithPadError>; fn replace_with_pad_char<'a, C>( &'a mut self, r: &str, pad_char: C ) -> Result<&'a mut str, ReplaceWithPadCharError> where C: Into<char>; fn replace_with_pad_left_space<'a>( &'a mut self, r: &str ) -> Result<&'a mut Self::Output, ReplacementTooLong>; fn replace_with_pad_left<'a>( &'a mut self, r: &str, pad: u8 ) -> Result<&'a mut Self::Output, ReplaceWithPadError>; fn replace_with_pad_left_char<'a, C>( &'a mut self, r: &str, pad_char: C ) -> Result<&'a mut Self::Output, ReplaceWithPadCharError> where C: Into<char>;
Expand description

The StrExt trait adds some methods to string types, many of which operate on character indexes and with character references.

To use its methods, import it with a use statement.

use mut_str::StrExt;

Required Associated Types§


type Output: ?Sized

The output string type for string operations.


type Iter<'a>: Iterator<Item = &'a Char> where Self: 'a

The iterator type for iterating over Char references.


type IterMut<'a>: Iterator<Item = &'a mut Char> where Self: 'a

The iterator type for iterating over mutable Char references.

Required Methods§


fn get_char(&self, i: usize) -> Option<&Char>

Get a character reference from the string and an index.

use mut_str::StrExt;

let s = "Hello, World!";
let c = s.get_char(1).unwrap();

assert_eq!(c, 'e');

fn get_char_mut(&mut self, i: usize) -> Option<&mut Char>

Get a mutable character reference from the mutable string and an index.

use mut_str::StrExt;

let mut owned_s = Box::<str>::from("Hello, World!");
let c = owned_s.get_char_mut(1).unwrap();

assert_eq!(c, 'e');

fn char_slice<R: RangeBounds<usize>>(&self, range: R) -> Option<&Self::Output>

Slice the string in units of UTF-8 characters. If range is out of bounds, None will be returned.

use mut_str::StrExt;

let s = "Hello, World!";

let hello = s.char_slice(..5).unwrap();
assert_eq!(hello, "Hello");

let world = s.char_slice(7..12).unwrap();
assert_eq!(world, "World");

fn char_slice_mut<R: RangeBounds<usize>>( &mut self, range: R ) -> Option<&mut Self::Output>

Slice the mutable string in units of UTF-8 characters. If range is out of bounds, None will be returned.

use mut_str::StrExt;

let mut owned_s = Box::<str>::from("Hello, World!");

let hello = owned_s.char_slice_mut(..5).unwrap();
assert_eq!(hello, "Hello");

let world = owned_s.char_slice_mut(7..12).unwrap();
assert_eq!(world, "World");

fn char_split_at(&self, mid: usize) -> Option<(&Self::Output, &Self::Output)>

Divide the string into two at an index in units of UTF-8 characters. If mid is out of bounds, None will be returned.

use mut_str::StrExt;

let s = "Hello, World!";

let (l, r) = s.char_split_at(6).unwrap();
assert_eq!(l, "Hello,");
assert_eq!(r, " World!");

fn char_split_at_mut( &mut self, mid: usize ) -> Option<(&mut Self::Output, &mut Self::Output)>

Divide the mutable string into two at an index in units of UTF-8 characters. If mid is out of bounds, None will be returned.

use mut_str::StrExt;

let mut owned_s = Box::<str>::from("Hello, World!");

let (l, r) = owned_s.char_split_at_mut(6).unwrap();
assert_eq!(l, "Hello,");
assert_eq!(r, " World!");

fn ref_iter(&self) -> Self::Iter<'_>

Get an iterator over character references in the string.

use mut_str::StrExt;

let s = "Hello, World!";

    .for_each(|(x, y)| assert_eq!(x, y));

fn mut_iter(&mut self) -> Self::IterMut<'_>

Get an iterator over mutable character references in the string.

use mut_str::StrExt;

let s = "Hello, World!";
let mut owned_s = Box::<str>::from(s);

    .for_each(|(x, y)| assert_eq!(x, y));

fn copy_to<'a>(&self, buffer: &'a mut [u8]) -> Option<&'a mut Self::Output>

Copy the string to a byte buffer and get the new string containing the inserted character. Returns None if buffer is shorter than the string.

use mut_str::StrExt;

let s = "Hello, World!";
let mut buffer = [0; 50];
let new_s = s.copy_to(&mut buffer).unwrap();

assert_eq!(new_s, s);

fn replace_with<'a>(&'a mut self, r: &str) -> Result<&'a mut str, LenNotEqual>

Replace the mutable string with another of the same length.

use mut_str::StrExt;

let mut owned_s = Box::<str>::from("World!");

assert_eq!(&*owned_s, "🌍!!");

assert_eq!(&*owned_s, "aaaaaa");
  • If s and r, when utf8 encoded, do not have the same length, LenNotEqual will be returned.

fn replace_with_pad_space<'a>( &'a mut self, r: &str ) -> Result<&'a mut str, ReplacementTooLong>

Replace the mutable string with another of the same length or shorter. The remaining bytes will be filled with spaces.

use mut_str::StrExt;

let mut owned_s = Box::<str>::from("World!");

assert_eq!(&*owned_s, "🌍  ");

assert_eq!(&*owned_s, "aaaa  ");
  • If r, when utf8 encoded, is longer than s, when utf8 encoded, ReplacementTooLong will be returned.

fn replace_with_pad<'a>( &'a mut self, r: &str, pad: u8 ) -> Result<&'a mut str, ReplaceWithPadError>

Replace the mutable string with another of the same length or shorter. The remaining bytes will be filled with pad.

use mut_str::StrExt;

let mut owned_s = Box::<str>::from("World!");

owned_s.replace_with_pad("🌍", b'!').unwrap();
assert_eq!(&*owned_s, "🌍!!");

owned_s.replace_with_pad("aaaa", b'b').unwrap();
assert_eq!(&*owned_s, "aaaabb");

fn replace_with_pad_char<'a, C>( &'a mut self, r: &str, pad_char: C ) -> Result<&'a mut str, ReplaceWithPadCharError>
where C: Into<char>,

Replace the mutable string with another of the same length or shorter. The remaining bytes will be filled with pad, which must be one byte long.

use mut_str::StrExt;

let mut owned_s = Box::<str>::from("World!");

owned_s.replace_with_pad_char("🌍", '!').unwrap();
assert_eq!(&*owned_s, "🌍!!");

owned_s.replace_with_pad_char("aaaa", 'b').unwrap();
assert_eq!(&*owned_s, "aaaabb");

fn replace_with_pad_left_space<'a>( &'a mut self, r: &str ) -> Result<&'a mut Self::Output, ReplacementTooLong>

Replace the mutable string with another of the same length or shorter, right aligned. The remaining bytes before the string will be filled with spaces.

use mut_str::StrExt;

let mut owned_s = Box::<str>::from("World!");

assert_eq!(&*owned_s, "  🌍");

assert_eq!(&*owned_s, "  aaaa");
  • If r, when utf8 encoded, is longer than s, when utf8 encoded, ReplacementTooLong will be returned.

fn replace_with_pad_left<'a>( &'a mut self, r: &str, pad: u8 ) -> Result<&'a mut Self::Output, ReplaceWithPadError>

Replace the mutable string with another of the same length or shorter, right aligned. The remaining bytes before the string will be filled with pad.

use mut_str::StrExt;

let mut owned_s = Box::<str>::from("World!");

owned_s.replace_with_pad_left("🌍", b'!').unwrap();
assert_eq!(&*owned_s, "!!🌍");

owned_s.replace_with_pad_left("aaaa", b'b').unwrap();
assert_eq!(&*owned_s, "bbaaaa");

fn replace_with_pad_left_char<'a, C>( &'a mut self, r: &str, pad_char: C ) -> Result<&'a mut Self::Output, ReplaceWithPadCharError>
where C: Into<char>,

Replace the mutable string with another of the same length or shorter, right aligned. The remaining bytes before the string will be filled with char, which must be one byte long.

use mut_str::StrExt;

let mut owned_s = Box::<str>::from("World!");

owned_s.replace_with_pad_left_char("🌍", '!').unwrap();
assert_eq!(&*owned_s, "!!🌍");

owned_s.replace_with_pad_left_char("aaaa", 'b').unwrap();
assert_eq!(&*owned_s, "bbaaaa");

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl StrExt for str


type Output = str


type Iter<'a> = CharRefs<'a>


type IterMut<'a> = CharMutRefs<'a>


fn get_char(&self, i: usize) -> Option<&Char>


fn get_char_mut(&mut self, i: usize) -> Option<&mut Char>


fn char_slice<R: RangeBounds<usize>>(&self, range: R) -> Option<&Self::Output>


fn char_slice_mut<R: RangeBounds<usize>>( &mut self, range: R ) -> Option<&mut Self::Output>


fn char_split_at(&self, mid: usize) -> Option<(&Self::Output, &Self::Output)>


fn char_split_at_mut( &mut self, mid: usize ) -> Option<(&mut Self::Output, &mut Self::Output)>


fn ref_iter(&self) -> Self::Iter<'_>


fn mut_iter(&mut self) -> Self::IterMut<'_>


fn copy_to<'a>(&self, buffer: &'a mut [u8]) -> Option<&'a mut Self::Output>


fn replace_with<'a>(&'a mut self, r: &str) -> Result<&'a mut str, LenNotEqual>


fn replace_with_pad_space<'a>( &'a mut self, r: &str ) -> Result<&'a mut str, ReplacementTooLong>


fn replace_with_pad<'a>( &'a mut self, r: &str, pad: u8 ) -> Result<&'a mut str, ReplaceWithPadError>


fn replace_with_pad_char<'a, C>( &'a mut self, r: &str, pad_char: C ) -> Result<&'a mut str, ReplaceWithPadCharError>
where C: Into<char>,


fn replace_with_pad_left_space( &mut self, r: &str ) -> Result<&mut Self::Output, ReplacementTooLong>


fn replace_with_pad_left( &mut self, r: &str, pad: u8 ) -> Result<&mut Self::Output, ReplaceWithPadError>


fn replace_with_pad_left_char<C>( &mut self, r: &str, pad_char: C ) -> Result<&mut Self::Output, ReplaceWithPadCharError>
where C: Into<char>,
