Trait musli::context::Context

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pub trait Context {
    type Mode;
    type Error: 'static;
    type Mark: Copy + Default;
    type Buf<'this>: Buf
       where Self: 'this;
    type BufString<'this>: AsRef<str>
       where Self: 'this;

Show 39 methods // Required methods fn clear(&self); fn alloc(&self) -> Option<Self::Buf<'_>>; fn collect_string<T>( &self, value: &T ) -> Result<Self::BufString<'_>, Self::Error> where T: ?Sized + Display; fn custom<T>(&self, error: T) -> Self::Error where T: 'static + Send + Sync + StdError; fn message<T>(&self, message: T) -> Self::Error where T: Display; // Provided methods fn decode<'de, T, D>(&self, decoder: D) -> Result<T, Self::Error> where T: Decode<'de, Self::Mode>, D: Decoder<'de, Cx = Self, Mode = Self::Mode, Error = Self::Error> { ... } fn decode_unsized<'de, T, D, F, O>( &self, decoder: D, f: F ) -> Result<O, Self::Error> where T: ?Sized + DecodeUnsized<'de, Self::Mode>, D: Decoder<'de, Cx = Self, Mode = Self::Mode, Error = Self::Error>, F: FnOnce(&T) -> Result<O, D::Error> { ... } fn decode_bytes<'de, T, D>(&self, decoder: D) -> Result<T, Self::Error> where T: DecodeBytes<'de, Self::Mode>, D: Decoder<'de, Cx = Self, Mode = Self::Mode, Error = Self::Error> { ... } fn decode_unsized_bytes<'de, T, D, F, O>( &self, decoder: D, f: F ) -> Result<O, Self::Error> where T: ?Sized + DecodeUnsizedBytes<'de, Self::Mode>, D: Decoder<'de, Cx = Self, Mode = Self::Mode, Error = Self::Error>, F: FnOnce(&T) -> Result<O, D::Error> { ... } fn map<T>(&self) -> impl FnOnce(T) -> Self::Error + '_ where T: 'static + Send + Sync + StdError { ... } fn map_message<T>(&self) -> impl FnOnce(T) -> Self::Error + '_ where T: Display { ... } fn marked_message<T>(&self, mark: Self::Mark, message: T) -> Self::Error where T: Display { ... } fn marked_custom<T>(&self, mark: Self::Mark, message: T) -> Self::Error where T: 'static + Send + Sync + StdError { ... } fn advance(&self, n: usize) { ... } fn mark(&self) -> Self::Mark { ... } fn invalid_variant_tag<T>(&self, _: &'static str, tag: &T) -> Self::Error where T: ?Sized + Debug { ... } fn expected_tag<T>(&self, _: &'static str, tag: &T) -> Self::Error where T: ?Sized + Debug { ... } fn uninhabitable(&self, _: &'static str) -> Self::Error { ... } fn invalid_field_tag<T>(&self, _: &'static str, tag: &T) -> Self::Error where T: ?Sized + Debug { ... } fn expected_field_adjacent<T, C>( &self, _: &'static str, tag: &T, content: &C ) -> Self::Error where T: ?Sized + Debug, C: ?Sized + Debug { ... } fn missing_adjacent_tag<T>(&self, _: &'static str, tag: &T) -> Self::Error where T: ?Sized + Debug { ... } fn invalid_field_string_tag( &self, _: &'static str, field: Self::Buf<'_> ) -> Self::Error { ... } fn missing_variant_field<T>( &self, name: &'static str, tag: &T ) -> Self::Error where T: ?Sized + Debug { ... } fn missing_variant_tag(&self, name: &'static str) -> Self::Error { ... } fn invalid_variant_field_tag<V, T>( &self, name: &'static str, variant: &V, tag: &T ) -> Self::Error where V: ?Sized + Debug, T: ?Sized + Debug { ... } fn alloc_failed(&self) -> Self::Error { ... } fn enter_struct(&self, name: &'static str) { ... } fn leave_struct(&self) { ... } fn enter_enum(&self, name: &'static str) { ... } fn leave_enum(&self) { ... } fn enter_named_field<T>(&self, name: &'static str, tag: &T) where T: ?Sized + Display { ... } fn enter_unnamed_field<T>(&self, index: u32, name: &T) where T: ?Sized + Display { ... } fn leave_field(&self) { ... } fn enter_variant<T>(&self, name: &'static str, tag: T) where T: Display { ... } fn leave_variant(&self) { ... } fn enter_map_key<T>(&self, field: T) where T: Display { ... } fn leave_map_key(&self) { ... } fn enter_sequence_index(&self, index: usize) { ... } fn leave_sequence_index(&self) { ... }
Expand description

Provides ergonomic access to the serialization context.

This is used to among other things report diagnostics.

Required Associated Types§


type Mode

Mode of the context.


type Error: 'static

Error produced by context.


type Mark: Copy + Default

A mark during processing.


type Buf<'this>: Buf where Self: 'this

A growable buffer.


type BufString<'this>: AsRef<str> where Self: 'this

An allocated buffer containing a valid string.

Required Methods§


fn clear(&self)

Clear the state of the context, allowing it to be re-used.


fn alloc(&self) -> Option<Self::Buf<'_>>

Allocate a buffer.


fn collect_string<T>( &self, value: &T ) -> Result<Self::BufString<'_>, Self::Error>
where T: ?Sized + Display,

Collect and allocate a string from a Display implementation.


fn custom<T>(&self, error: T) -> Self::Error
where T: 'static + Send + Sync + StdError,

Report a custom error, which is not encapsulated by the error type expected by the context. This is essentially a type-erased way of reporting error-like things out from the context.


fn message<T>(&self, message: T) -> Self::Error
where T: Display,

Report a message as an error.

This is made available to format custom error messages in no_std environments. The error message is to be collected by formatting T.

Provided Methods§


fn decode<'de, T, D>(&self, decoder: D) -> Result<T, Self::Error>
where T: Decode<'de, Self::Mode>, D: Decoder<'de, Cx = Self, Mode = Self::Mode, Error = Self::Error>,

Decode the given input using the associated mode.


fn decode_unsized<'de, T, D, F, O>( &self, decoder: D, f: F ) -> Result<O, Self::Error>
where T: ?Sized + DecodeUnsized<'de, Self::Mode>, D: Decoder<'de, Cx = Self, Mode = Self::Mode, Error = Self::Error>, F: FnOnce(&T) -> Result<O, D::Error>,

Decode the given unsized value using the associated mode.


fn decode_bytes<'de, T, D>(&self, decoder: D) -> Result<T, Self::Error>
where T: DecodeBytes<'de, Self::Mode>, D: Decoder<'de, Cx = Self, Mode = Self::Mode, Error = Self::Error>,

Decode the given input as bytes using the associated mode.


fn decode_unsized_bytes<'de, T, D, F, O>( &self, decoder: D, f: F ) -> Result<O, Self::Error>
where T: ?Sized + DecodeUnsizedBytes<'de, Self::Mode>, D: Decoder<'de, Cx = Self, Mode = Self::Mode, Error = Self::Error>, F: FnOnce(&T) -> Result<O, D::Error>,

Decode the given unsized value as bytes using the associated mode.


fn map<T>(&self) -> impl FnOnce(T) -> Self::Error + '_
where T: 'static + Send + Sync + StdError,

Generate a map function which maps an error using the custom function.


fn map_message<T>(&self) -> impl FnOnce(T) -> Self::Error + '_
where T: Display,

Generate a map function which maps an error using the message function.


fn marked_message<T>(&self, mark: Self::Mark, message: T) -> Self::Error
where T: Display,

Report an error based on a mark.

A mark is generated using Context::mark and indicates a prior state.


fn marked_custom<T>(&self, mark: Self::Mark, message: T) -> Self::Error
where T: 'static + Send + Sync + StdError,

Report an error based on a mark.

A mark is generated using Context::mark and indicates a prior state.


fn advance(&self, n: usize)

Advance the context by n bytes of input.

This is typically used to move the mark forward as produced by Context::mark.


fn mark(&self) -> Self::Mark

Return a mark which acts as a checkpoint at the current encoding state.

The context is in a privileged state in that it sees everything, so a mark can be quite useful for determining the context of an error.

This typically indicates a byte offset, and is used by marked_message to report a spanned error.


fn invalid_variant_tag<T>(&self, _: &'static str, tag: &T) -> Self::Error
where T: ?Sized + Debug,

Report that an invalid variant tag was encountered.


fn expected_tag<T>(&self, _: &'static str, tag: &T) -> Self::Error
where T: ?Sized + Debug,

The value for the given tag could not be collected.


fn uninhabitable(&self, _: &'static str) -> Self::Error

Trying to decode an uninhabitable type.


fn invalid_field_tag<T>(&self, _: &'static str, tag: &T) -> Self::Error
where T: ?Sized + Debug,

Encountered an unsupported field tag.


fn expected_field_adjacent<T, C>( &self, _: &'static str, tag: &T, content: &C ) -> Self::Error
where T: ?Sized + Debug, C: ?Sized + Debug,

Expected another field to decode.


fn missing_adjacent_tag<T>(&self, _: &'static str, tag: &T) -> Self::Error
where T: ?Sized + Debug,

Missing adjacent tag when decoding.


fn invalid_field_string_tag( &self, _: &'static str, field: Self::Buf<'_> ) -> Self::Error

Encountered an unsupported field tag.


fn missing_variant_field<T>(&self, name: &'static str, tag: &T) -> Self::Error
where T: ?Sized + Debug,

Missing variant field required to decode.


fn missing_variant_tag(&self, name: &'static str) -> Self::Error

Indicate that a variant tag could not be determined.


fn invalid_variant_field_tag<V, T>( &self, name: &'static str, variant: &V, tag: &T ) -> Self::Error
where V: ?Sized + Debug, T: ?Sized + Debug,

Encountered an unsupported variant field.


fn alloc_failed(&self) -> Self::Error

Missing variant field required to decode.


fn enter_struct(&self, name: &'static str)

Indicate that we’ve entered a struct with the given name.

The name variable corresponds to the identifiers of the struct.

This will be matched with a corresponding call to leave_struct.


fn leave_struct(&self)

Trace that we’ve left the last struct that was entered.


fn enter_enum(&self, name: &'static str)

Indicate that we’ve entered an enum with the given name.

The name variable corresponds to the identifiers of the enum.

This will be matched with a corresponding call to leave_enum.


fn leave_enum(&self)

Trace that we’ve left the last enum that was entered.


fn enter_named_field<T>(&self, name: &'static str, tag: &T)
where T: ?Sized + Display,

Trace that we’ve entered the given named field.

A named field is part of a regular struct, where the literal field name is the name argument below, and the musli tag being used for the field is the second argument.

This will be matched with a corresponding call to leave_field.

Here name is "field" and tag is "string".

use musli::{Decode, Encode};

#[derive(Decode, Encode)]
#[musli(name_all = "name")]
struct Struct {
    #[musli(name = "string")]
    field: String,

fn enter_unnamed_field<T>(&self, index: u32, name: &T)
where T: ?Sized + Display,

Trace that we’ve entered the given unnamed field.

An unnamed field is part of a tuple struct, where the field index is the index argument below, and the musli tag being used for the field is the second argument.

This will be matched with a corresponding call to leave_field.

Here index is 0 and name is "string".

use musli::{Decode, Encode};

#[derive(Decode, Encode)]
#[musli(name_all = "name")]
struct Struct(#[musli(name = "string")] String);

fn leave_field(&self)

Trace that we’ve left the last field that was entered.

The marker argument will be the same as the one returned from enter_named_field or enter_unnamed_field.


fn enter_variant<T>(&self, name: &'static str, tag: T)
where T: Display,

Trace that we’ve entered the given variant in an enum.

A named variant is part of an enum, where the literal variant name is the name argument below, and the musli tag being used to decode the variant is the second argument.

This will be matched with a corresponding call to leave_variant with the same marker provided as an argument as the one returned here.

Here name is "field" and tag is "string".

use musli::{Decode, Encode};

#[derive(Decode, Encode)]
#[musli(name_all = "name")]
struct Struct {
    #[musli(name = "string")]
    field: String,

fn leave_variant(&self)

Trace that we’ve left the last variant that was entered.

The marker argument will be the same as the one returned from enter_variant.


fn enter_map_key<T>(&self, field: T)
where T: Display,

Trace a that a map key has been entered.


fn leave_map_key(&self)

Trace that we’ve left the last map field that was entered.

The marker argument will be the same as the one returned from enter_map_key.


fn enter_sequence_index(&self, index: usize)

Trace a sequence field.


fn leave_sequence_index(&self)

Trace that we’ve left the last sequence index that was entered.

The marker argument will be the same as the one returned from enter_sequence_index.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
