Function mt_dom::element_ns

source ·
pub fn element_ns<Ns, Tag, Leaf, Att, Val>(
    namespace: Option<Ns>,
    tag: Tag,
    attrs: impl IntoIterator<Item = Attribute<Ns, Att, Val>>,
    children: impl IntoIterator<Item = Node<Ns, Tag, Leaf, Att, Val>>,
    self_closing: bool
) -> Node<Ns, Tag, Leaf, Att, Val>
where Ns: PartialEq + Clone + Debug, Tag: PartialEq + Debug, Leaf: PartialEq + Clone + Debug, Att: PartialEq + Clone + Debug, Val: PartialEq + Clone + Debug,
Expand description

create a virtual node with namespace, tag, attrs and children


use mt_dom::{Node,element_ns,attr};

let svg:Node<&'static str, &'static str, (), &'static str, &'static str> =
         vec![attr("width","400"), attr("height","400")],