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A multi-producer multi-consumer priority queue with some special features.

Allows threads to send and receive messages ordered by priority.

While a thread is processing a message, received messages can be protected by a guard this keeps the queue in a non-drained state the thread may send new messages to the queue to be processed. Once the queue becomes empty and all guards are dropped a single ‘Drained’ message is generated to notify (one of) the receivers that no more data is to be expected.

When performance is more important than exact priority order threads can hold a ‘stash’ to temporary store messages to be send. When the queue is contended messages will be put on this stash instead. Once the thread gets the lock on the queue the stash will be moved over to the queue.


A queue which orders messages by priority

Wraps a Message, when dropped and the queue is empty it sends a final ‘Drained’ message to notify that there is no further work in progress.

For contention free queue insertion every thread maintains a private ‘stash’. When messages are send to the PriorityQueue while it is locked they are stored in this stash. Once the lock is obtained the stashed messages will be moved to the PriorityQueue. This can also be enforced with the ‘PriorityQueue::sync()’ function.


Type for the received message