Struct mpd::client::Client [] [src]

pub struct Client<S = TcpStream> where S: Read + Write {
    pub version: Version,
    // some fields omitted

Client connection


version: Version

MPD version


impl Client<TcpStream>

fn connect<A: ToSocketAddrs>(addr: A) -> Result<Client<TcpStream>>

Connect client to some IP address

impl<S: Read + Write> Client<S>

fn new(socket: S) -> Result<Client<S>>

Create client from some arbitrary pre-connected socket

fn status(&mut self) -> Result<Status>

Get MPD status

fn stats(&mut self) -> Result<Stats>

Get MPD playing statistics

fn clearerror(&mut self) -> Result<()>

Clear error state

fn volume(&mut self, volume: i8) -> Result<()>

Set volume

fn repeat(&mut self, value: bool) -> Result<()>

Set repeat state

fn random(&mut self, value: bool) -> Result<()>

Set random state

fn single(&mut self, value: bool) -> Result<()>

Set single state

fn consume(&mut self, value: bool) -> Result<()>

Set consume state

fn crossfade<T: ToSeconds>(&mut self, value: T) -> Result<()>

Set crossfade time in seconds

fn mixrampdb(&mut self, value: f32) -> Result<()>

Set mixramp level in dB

fn mixrampdelay<T: ToSeconds>(&mut self, value: T) -> Result<()>

Set mixramp delay in seconds

fn replaygain(&mut self, gain: ReplayGain) -> Result<()>

Set replay gain mode

fn play(&mut self) -> Result<()>

Start playback

fn switch<T: ToQueuePlace>(&mut self, place: T) -> Result<()>

Start playback from given song in a queue

fn next(&mut self) -> Result<()>

Switch to a next song in queue

fn prev(&mut self) -> Result<()>

Switch to a previous song in queue

fn stop(&mut self) -> Result<()>

Stop playback

fn pause(&mut self, value: bool) -> Result<()>

Set pause state

fn seek<T: ToSeconds, P: ToQueuePlace>(&mut self, place: P, pos: T) -> Result<()>

Seek to a given place (in seconds) in a given song

fn rewind<T: ToSeconds>(&mut self, pos: T) -> Result<()>

Seek to a given place (in seconds) in the current song

fn songs<T: ToQueueRangeOrPlace>(&mut self, pos: T) -> Result<Vec<Song>>

List given song or range of songs in a play queue

fn queue(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Song>>

List all songs in a play queue

fn currentsong(&mut self) -> Result<Option<Song>>

Get current playing song

fn clear(&mut self) -> Result<()>

Clear current queue

fn changes(&mut self, version: u32) -> Result<Vec<Song>>

List all changes in a queue since given version

fn push<P: AsRef<str>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Result<Id>

Append a song into a queue

fn insert<P: AsRef<str>>(&mut self, path: P, pos: usize) -> Result<usize>

Insert a song into a given position in a queue

fn delete<T: ToQueueRangeOrPlace>(&mut self, pos: T) -> Result<()>

Delete a song (at some position) or several songs (in a range) from a queue

fn shift<T: ToQueueRangeOrPlace>(&mut self, from: T, to: usize) -> Result<()>

Move a song (at a some position) or several songs (in a range) to other position in queue

fn swap<T: ToQueuePlace>(&mut self, one: T, two: T) -> Result<()>

Swap to songs in a queue

fn shuffle<T: ToQueueRange>(&mut self, range: T) -> Result<()>

Shuffle queue in a given range (use .. to shuffle full queue)

fn priority<T: ToQueueRangeOrPlace>(&mut self, pos: T, prio: u8) -> Result<()>

Set song priority in a queue

fn range<T: ToSongId, R: ToSongRange>(&mut self, song: T, range: R) -> Result<()>

Set song range (in seconds) to play

Doesn't work for currently playing song.

fn tag<T: ToSongId>(&mut self, song: T, tag: &str, value: &str) -> Result<()>

Add tag to a song

fn untag<T: ToSongId>(&mut self, song: T, tag: &str) -> Result<()>

Delete tag from a song

fn ping(&mut self) -> Result<()>

Just pings MPD server, does nothing

fn close(&mut self) -> Result<()>

Close MPD connection

fn kill(&mut self) -> Result<()>

Kill MPD server

fn login(&mut self, password: &str) -> Result<()>

Login to MPD server with given password

fn playlists(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Playlist>>

List all playlists

fn playlist<N: ToPlaylistName>(&mut self, name: N) -> Result<Vec<Song>>

List all songs in a playlist

fn load<T: ToQueueRange, N: ToPlaylistName>(&mut self, name: N, range: T) -> Result<()>

Load playlist into queue

You can give either full range (..) to load all songs in a playlist, or some partial range to load only part of playlist.

fn save<N: ToPlaylistName>(&mut self, name: N) -> Result<()>

Save current queue into playlist

If playlist with given name doesn't exist, create new one.

fn pl_rename<N: ToPlaylistName>(&mut self, name: N, newname: &str) -> Result<()>

Rename playlist

fn pl_clear<N: ToPlaylistName>(&mut self, name: N) -> Result<()>

Clear playlist

fn pl_remove<N: ToPlaylistName>(&mut self, name: N) -> Result<()>

Delete playlist

fn pl_push<N: ToPlaylistName, P: AsRef<str>>(&mut self, name: N, path: P) -> Result<()>

Add new songs to a playlist

fn pl_delete<N: ToPlaylistName>(&mut self, name: N, pos: u32) -> Result<()>

Delete a song at a given position in a playlist

fn pl_shift<N: ToPlaylistName>(&mut self, name: N, from: u32, to: u32) -> Result<()>

Move song in a playlist from one position into another

fn rescan(&mut self) -> Result<u32>

Run database rescan, i.e. remove non-existing files from DB as well as add new files to DB

fn update(&mut self) -> Result<u32>

Run database update, i.e. remove non-existing files from DB

fn search(&mut self, query: Query) -> Result<Vec<Song>>

TODO: under construction

fn outputs(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Output>>

List all outputs

fn output<T: ToOutputId>(&mut self, id: T, state: bool) -> Result<()>

Set given output enabled state

fn out_disable<T: ToOutputId>(&mut self, id: T) -> Result<()>

Disable given output

fn out_enable<T: ToOutputId>(&mut self, id: T) -> Result<()>

Enable given output

fn out_toggle<T: ToOutputId>(&mut self, id: T) -> Result<()>

Toggle given output

fn music_directory(&mut self) -> Result<String>

Get current music directory

fn commands(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<String>>

List all available commands

fn notcommands(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<String>>

List all forbidden commands

fn urlhandlers(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<String>>

List all available URL handlers

fn tagtypes(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<String>>

List all supported tag types

fn decoders(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Plugin>>

List all available decoder plugins

fn channels(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Channel>>

List all channels available for current connection

fn readmessages(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Message>>

Read queued messages from subscribed channels

fn sendmessage(&mut self, channel: Channel, message: &str) -> Result<()>

Send a message to a channel

fn subscribe(&mut self, channel: Channel) -> Result<()>

Subscribe to a channel

fn unsubscribe(&mut self, channel: Channel) -> Result<()>

Unsubscribe to a channel

fn wait(&mut self, subsystems: &[Subsystem]) -> Result<Vec<Subsystem>>

Wait for events from a set of subsystems and return list of affected subsystems

This is a blocking operation. If empty subsystems slice is given, wait for all event from any subsystem.

fn idle<'a>(&'a mut self, subsystems: &[Subsystem]) -> Result<IdleGuard<'a, S>>

Start listening for events from a set of subsystems

If empty subsystems slice is given, wait for all event from any subsystem.

This method returns IdleGuard, which takes mutable reference of an initial client, thus disallowing any operations on this mpd connection.

You can call .get() method of this struct to stop waiting and get all queued events matching given subsystems filter. This call consumes a guard, stops waiting and releases client object.

If the guard goes out of scope, wait lock is released as well, but all queued events will be silently ignored.

fn mounts(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Mount>>

List all (virtual) mounts

These mounts exist inside MPD process only, thus they can work without root permissions.

fn neighbors(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Neighbor>>

List all network neighbors, which can be potentially mounted

fn mount(&mut self, path: &str, uri: &str) -> Result<()>

Mount given neighbor to a mount point

The mount exists inside MPD process only, thus it can work without root permissions.

fn unmount(&mut self, path: &str) -> Result<()>

Unmount given active (virtual) mount

The mount exists inside MPD process only, thus it can work without root permissions.

fn sticker(&mut self, typ: &str, uri: &str, name: &str) -> Result<String>

Show sticker value for a given object, identified by type and uri

fn set_sticker(&mut self, typ: &str, uri: &str, name: &str, value: &str) -> Result<()>

Set sticker value for a given object, identified by type and uri

fn delete_sticker(&mut self, typ: &str, uri: &str, name: &str) -> Result<()>

Delete sticker from a given object, identified by type and uri

fn clear_stickers(&mut self, typ: &str, uri: &str) -> Result<()>

Remove all stickers from a given object, identified by type and uri

fn stickers(&mut self, typ: &str, uri: &str) -> Result<Vec<String>>

List all stickers from a given object, identified by type and uri

fn find_sticker(&mut self, typ: &str, uri: &str, name: &str) -> Result<Vec<(String, String)>>

List all (file, sticker) pairs for sticker name and objects of given type from given directory (identified by uri)

fn find_sticker_eq(&mut self, typ: &str, uri: &str, name: &str, value: &str) -> Result<Vec<String>>

List all files of a given type under given directory (identified by uri) with a tag set to given value

Trait Implementations

impl<S: Debug> Debug for Client<S> where S: Read + Write

fn fmt(&self, __arg_0: &mut Formatter) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl Default for Client<TcpStream>

fn default() -> Client<TcpStream>

Returns the "default value" for a type. Read more