Expand description

Websocket server for MPC key generation and signing using JSON-RPC.

The library has been designed so that the messages transferred between parties are only stored in memory for the shortest lifetime; that is just enough time to extract the required routing information to be able to handle the message.

Auditors will want to pay particular attention to the handling of the SESSION_MESSAGE and NOTIFY_PROPOSAL methods which are sensitive for security and privacy reasons.

By looking at the source for Group, Session and State structs auditors can verify that no sensitive information is stored in the server state.

A session may have associated data in it’s value which is public information that can be shared between clients; the value may be set by the session owner when the session is created and later retrieved by other clients when they join the session.

The associated session data is typically used by signing sessions to indicate the message or transaction that will be signed.


Services for handling JSON-RPC requests.


Group is a collection of connected websocket clients.

Parameters used during key generation and signing.

MPC websocket server handling JSON-RPC requests.

Session used for key generation or signing communication.

Collection of clients and groups managed by the server.


Notification sent by the server to multiple connected clients.

Error thrown by the server.

Represents the type of session.

Type Definitions

Result type for server errors.