Crate mpc_stark

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Defines an MPC implementation over the Stark curve that allows for out-of-order execution of the underlying MPC circuit


  • Defines algebraic MPC types and operations on them
  • Defines the Beaver value generation interface as well as a dummy beaver interface for testing
  • Defines Pedersen commitments over the Stark curve used to commit to a value before opening it
  • Errors defined across the MPC implementation
  • The network module defines abstractions of the transport used to communicate during the course of an MPC


  • The inner component of the fabric, allows the constructor to allocate executor and network sender objects at the same level as the fabric
  • A fabric for the MPC protocol, defines a dependency injection layer that dynamically schedules circuit gate evaluations onto the network to be executed
  • A handle to the result of the execution of an MPC computation graph




  • Generate a random curve point by multiplying a random scalar with the Stark curve group generator

Type Aliases

  • A type alias for a shared, mutable reference to an underlying beaver source
  • An identifier for a result
  • SharedNetwork wraps a network implementation in a borrow-safe container while providing interior mutability