[][src]Module molt::types

Public Type Declarations

This module defines a number of types used throughout Molt's public API.

The most important types are Value, the type of data values in the Molt language, and MoltResult, Molt's standard Result<T,E> type. MoltResult is an alias for Result<Value,ResultCode>, where ResultCode represents all of the ways a Molt script might return early: errors, explicit returns, breaks, and continues. MoltInt, MoltFloat, and MoltList are simple type aliases defining Molt's internal representation for integers, floats, and TCL lists.


pub use crate::value::Value;



A unique identifier, used to identify cached context data within a given interpreter. For more information see the discussion of command definition and the context cache in The Molt Book and the interp module.


A Molt command that has subcommands is called an ensemble command. In Rust code, the ensemble is defined as an array of Subcommand structs, each one mapping from a subcommand name to the implementing CommandFunc. For more information, see the discussion of command definition in The Molt Book and the interp module.


In TCL, variable references have two forms. A string like "some_var(some_index)" is the name of an array element; any other string is the name of a scalar variable. This struct is used when parsing variable references. The name is the variable name proper; the index is either None for scalar variables or Some(String) for array elements.



This enum represents the possible exceptional results of evaluating a Molt script, as used in MoltResult. It is often used in the Result<_,ResultCode> type of other functions in the Molt API, so that these functions can easily return errors when used in the definition of Molt commands.

Type Definitions


A function used to implement a binary Molt command. For more information see the discussion of command definition in The Molt Book and the interp module.


The standard floating point type for Molt code.


The standard integer type for Molt code.


The standard list type for Molt code.


The standard Result<T,E> type for Molt code.